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[해외논문] A Secure Middlebox Framework for Enabling Visibility Over Multiple Encryption Protocols

IEEE/ACM transactions on networking : a joint publication of the IEEE Communications Society, the IEEE Computer Society, and the ACM with its Special Interest Group on Data Communication, v.28 no.6, 2020년, pp.2727 - 2740  

Han, Juhyeng (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Kim, Seongmin (Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, South Korea) ,  Cho, Daeyang (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Choi, Byungkwon (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Ha, Jaehyeong (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Han, Dongsu (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Network middleboxes provide the first line of defense for enterprise networks. Many of them typically inspect packet payload to filter malicious attack patterns. However, the widespread use of end-to-end cryptographic protocols designed to promote security and privacy, either inhibits deep packet in...

참고문헌 (71)

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