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[해외논문] Stress Engineering as a Strategy to Achieve High Ferroelectricity in Thick Hafnia Using Interlayer

IEEE transactions on electron devices, v.68 no.5, 2021년, pp.2538 - 2542  

Joh, Hongrae (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Jung, Taeseung (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Jeon, Sanghun (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), School of Electrical Engineering, Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Binary oxides of Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 (HZO) have attracted considerable attention of the ferroelectric research community, owing to their excellent ferroelectric properties and CMOS compatibility. In particular, HZO films of a relatively high thickness (>10 nm) are studied widely for sensor and displ...

참고문헌 (31)

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  2. Park, Min Hyuk, Kim, Han Joon, Kim, Yu Jin, Lee, Young Hwan, Moon, Taehwan, Kim, Keum Do, Hyun, Seung Dam, Hwang, Cheol Seong. Study on the size effect in Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 films thinner than 8 nm before and after wake-up field cycling. Applied physics letters, vol.107, no.19, 192907-.

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  9. Hwang, Junghyeon, Goh, Youngin, Jeon, Sanghun. Effect of Insertion of Dielectric Layer on the Performance of Hafnia Ferroelectric Devices. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.68, no.2, 841-845.

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  21. Goh, Youngin, Hwang, Junghyeon, Lee, Yongsun, Kim, Minki, Jeon, Sanghun. Ultra-thin Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 thin-film-based ferroelectric tunnel junction via stress induced crystallization. Applied physics letters, vol.117, no.24, 242901-.

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  27. Das, Dipjyoti, Jeon, Sanghun. High-k HfxZr1-xO₂ Ferroelectric Insulator by Utilizing High Pressure Anneal. IEEE transactions on electron devices, vol.67, no.6, 2489-2494.

  28. Liu, Houfang, Lu, Tianqi, Li, Yuxing, Ju, Zhenyi, Zhao, Ruiting, Li, Jingzhou, Shao, Minghao, Zhang, Hainan, Liang, Renrong, Wang, Xiao Renshaw, Guo, Rui, Chen, Jingsheng, Yang, Yi, Ren, Tian‐Ling. Flexible Quasi‐van der Waals Ferroelectric Hafnium‐Based Oxide for Integrated High‐Performance Nonvolatile Memory. Advanced science, vol.7, no.19, 2001266-.

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