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[해외논문] Multi-Band Linear Frequency Modulation in External Cavity FP-LD Subjected to Multi-Input Injection

IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, v.33 no.11, 2021년, pp.565 - 568  

Lee, Muyoung (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Convergence Optoelectronic Device Engineering Laboratory, Daejeon, South Korea) ,  Chen, Hao (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Ministry of Education, Nanjing, China) ,  Nakarmi, Bikash (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Ministry of Education, Nanjing, China) ,  Pan, Shilong (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Ministry of Education, Nanjing, China) ,  Won, Yong Hyub (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Convergence Optoelectronic Device Engineering Laboratory, Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this letter, we experimentally demonstrate multi-band linear frequency modulation (LFM) signal generation subjected to multi-input optical injection in an external cavity-based Fabry-Pérot laser diode (ECFP-LD). The ECFP-LD is a specially designed FP-LD with a self-injected single longitud...

참고문헌 (16)

  1. Jihua Tian, Jinping Sun, Guohua Wang, Yanping Wang, Weixian Tan. Multiband Radar Signal Coherent Fusion Processing With IAA and apFFT. IEEE signal processing letters, vol.20, no.5, 463-466.

  2. Dan Zhu, Jianping Yao. Dual-Chirp Microwave Waveform Generation Using a Dual-Parallel Mach-Zehnder Modulator. IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, vol.27, no.13, 1410-1413.

  3. Qingshui Guo, Fangzheng Zhang, Pei Zhou, Shilong Pan. Dual-Band LFM Signal Generation by Optical Frequency Quadrupling and Polarization Multiplexing. IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, vol.29, no.16, 1320-1323.

  4. Zhang, Kun, Zhao, Shanghong, Li, Xuan, Zhu, Zihang, Jiang, Wei, Lin, Tao, Wang, Guodong. Photonic approach to dual-band dual-chirp microwave waveform generation with multiplying central frequency and bandwidth. Optics communications, vol.437, 17-26.

  5. Zhu, Sha, Li, Ming, Zhu, Ning Hua, Li, Wei. Transmission of dual-chirp microwave waveform over fiber with compensation of dispersion-induced power fading. Optics letters, vol.43, no.11, 2466-.

  6. Deok Jeong, Yong, Hyub Won, Yong, Ook Choi, Sang, Hyun Yoon, Jong. Tunable single-mode Fabry-Perot laser diode using a built-in external cavity and its modulation characteristics. Optics letters, vol.31, no.17, 2586-.

  7. Lee, Muyoung, Nakarmi, Bikash, Won, Yong Hyub. Dynamics of optical injection in an external cavity based FP-LD for wide tunable microwave signal generation. Optics express, vol.28, no.15, 22027-.

  8. Surface Acoustic Wave Filters With Applications to Electronic Communications and Signal Processing morgan 2010 

  9. 10.1109/MWSYM.2014.6848668 

  10. Kanno, Atsushi, Kawanishi, Tetsuya. Broadband Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave Signal Generation by Optical Modulation Technique. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.32, no.20, 3566-3572.

  11. Ming Li, Li-Yang Shao, Albert, J, Jianping Yao. Tilted Fiber Bragg Grating for Chirped Microwave Waveform Generation. IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, vol.23, no.5, 314-316.

  12. Chen, Hao, Zhou, Pei, Zhang, Limin, Bassi, Snehi, Nakarmi, Bikash, Pan, Shilong. Reconfigurable Identical and Complementary Chirp Dual-LFM Signal Generation Subjected to Dual-Beam Injection in a DFB Laser. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.38, no.19, 5500-5508.

  13. Pei Zhou, Fangzheng Zhang, Qingshui Guo, Simin Li, Shilong Pan. Reconfigurable Radar Waveform Generation Based on an Optically Injected Semiconductor Laser. IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics : a publication of the IEEE Communications Society, vol.23, no.6, 1-9.

  14. Kwon, Hyukjin, Kang, Bongkoo. Linear frequency modulation of voltage-controlled oscillator using delay-line feedback. IEEE microwave and wireless components letters : a publication of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, vol.15, no.6, 431-433.

  15. Radar Handbook skolnik 2008 

  16. 10.1109/RADAR.2010.5494478 


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