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[국내논문] Genesis and evolutions of the Geumosan volcanic rocks in Southern Gumi, Korea
구미 남부 금오산 화산암류의 성인과 진화

지질학회지 = Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, v.57 no.2, 2021년, pp.123 - 139  

Hwang, Sang Koo ,  Ahn, Ung San ,  Song, Kyo-Young

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (21)

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  2. Foley, Stephen, Tiepolo, Massimo, Vannucci, Riccardo. Growth of early continental crust controlled by melting of amphibolite in subduction zones. Nature, vol.417, no.6891, 837-840.

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  4. Hildreth, W.. The compositionally zoned eruption of 1912 in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, Katmai National Park, Alaska. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, vol.18, no.1, 1-56.

  5. Hwang, S.K. and Kim, S.W., 1994, Petrology of Cretaceous volcanic rocks in the Miryang-Yangsan Area, Korea (I): petrotectonic setting. Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, 30, 229-241 (in Korean with English abstract). 

  6. 황상구, 김상욱, 기원서, 김정진. 한반도 백악기 화산호의 구분과 U-Pb 저어콘 연대: 호화산작용의 시공간적 진화. 지질학회지 = Journal of the Geological Society of Korea, vol.55, no.5, 595-619.

  7. 황상구, 손영우, 서승환, 기원서. 구미 남부 금오산 칼데라의 함몰 유형과 과정. 자원환경지질 = Economic and environmental geology, vol.54, no.1, 35-48.

  8. Irvine, T. N., Baragar, W. R. A.. A Guide to the Chemical Classification of the Common Volcanic Rocks. Canadian journal of earth sciences, vol.8, no.5, 523-548.

  9. Johnson, D.M., Hooper, P.R. and Conrey, R.M., 1999, XRF analysis of rocks and minerals for major and trace elements on a single low dilution Li-tetraborate fused bead. Advances in X-ray Analysis, 41, 843-867. 

  10. Kim, J.H. and Lim, J.W., 1974, Explanatory text of the geologic map of Gumi Sheet. Daejeon, Geological and Mineral Institute of Korea, 20 p. 

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  12. Le Maitre, R. W.. A proposal by the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks for a chemical classification of volcanic rocks based on the total alkali silica (TAS) diagram : (on behalf of the IUGS Subcommission on the Systematics of Igneous Rocks). Australian journal of earth sciences, vol.31, no.2, 243-255.

  13. Miller, T.P, Chertkoff, D.G, Eichelberger, J.C, Coombs, M.L. Mount Dutton volcano, Alaska: Aleutian arc analog to Unzen volcano, Japan. Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, vol.89, no.1, 275-301.

  14. Nakamura, N.. Determination of REE, Ba, Fe, Mg, Na and K in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites. Geochimica et cosmochimica acta, vol.38, no.5, 757-775.

  15. Nam, J.-G., 1996, Petrology of the volcanic rocks from Mt. Keumo area, Kumi, Korea. Master’s thesis, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 45 p (in Korean with English abstract). 

  16. Petford, Nick, Gallagher, Kerry. Partial melting of mafic (amphibolitic) lower crust by periodic influx of basaltic magma. Earth and planetary science letters, vol.193, no.3, 483-499.

  17. Powell, M.. Crystallisation conditions of low-pressure cumulate nodules from the Lesser Antilles island arc. Earth and planetary science letters, vol.39, no.1, 162-172.

  18. Rollinson, Hugh. Petrology and geochemistry of metamorphosed komatiites and basalts from the Sula Mountains greenstone belt, Sierra Leone. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology = Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrologie, vol.134, no.1, 86-101.

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  20. Wolf, Michael B., Wyllie, Peter J.. Dehydration-melting of amphibolite at 10 kbar: the effects of temperature and time. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology = Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrologie, vol.115, no.4, 369-383.

  21. Woodhead, Jon D., Johnson, R. W.. Isotopic and trace-element profiles across the New Britain island arc, Papua New Guinea. Contributions to mineralogy and petrology = Beiträge zur Mineralogie und Petrologie, vol.113, no.4, 479-491.

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