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[해외논문] Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv2145c Promotes Intracellular Survival by STAT3 and IL-10 Receptor Signaling 원문보기

Frontiers in immunology, v.12, 2021년, pp.666293 -   

Park, Hye-Soo ,  Back, Yong Woo ,  Jang, In-Taek ,  Lee, Kang-In ,  Son, Yeo-Jin ,  Choi, Han-Gyu ,  Dang, Thi Binh ,  Kim, Hwa-Jung

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is an intracellular pathogen in phagocytic cells, the factors and mechanisms by which they invade and persist in host cells are still not well understood. Characterization of the bacterial proteins modulating macrophage function is essential for understandin...


참고문헌 (52)

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