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[해외논문] Hydrogeochemical Evidence of Earthquake‐Induced Anomalies in Response to the 2017MW5.5 Pohang Earthquake in Korea

Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems : G³, v.21 no.12, 2020년, pp.e2020GC009532 -   

Kim, Jaeyeon (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University Seoul Republic of Korea) ,  Joun, Won‐Tak (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University Seoul Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Sanghoon (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University Seoul Republic of Korea) ,  Kaown, Dugin (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University Seoul Republic of Korea) ,  Lee, Kang‐Kun (School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Seoul National University Seoul Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractSignificant changes in groundwater systems were observed after the 2017Mw5.5 Pohang earthquake. Groundwater level changes cannot be explained solely by poroelastic responses to the earthquake. In this study, we analyzed hydrogeochemical data, including environmental isotopes (18O,2H,87Sr/86S...

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