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[해외논문] Ultrafast excited state relaxation dynamics in a heteroleptic Ir(III) complex, fac-Ir(ppy)2(ppz), revealed by femtosecond X-ray transient absorption spectroscopy

Inorganic chemistry frontiers : an international journal of inorganic chemistry, v.8 no.12, 2021년, pp.2987 - 2998  

Choi, Jungkweon (Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions) ,  Ahn, Mina (Department of Chemistry) ,  Lee, Jae Hyuk (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) ,  Ahn, Doo-Sik (Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions) ,  Ki, Hosung (Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions) ,  Oh, Inhwan (Department of Chemistry and KI for the BioCentury) ,  Ahn, Chi Woo (Department of Chemistry and KI for the BioCentury) ,  Choi, Eun Hyuk (Department of Chemistry and KI for the BioCentury) ,  Lee, Yunbeom (Department of Chemistry and KI for the BioCentury) ,  Lee, Seonggon (Department of Chemistry and KI for the BioCentury) ,  Kim, Jungmin (Department of Chemistry and KI for the BioCentury) ,  Cho, Dae Won (Department of Advanced Materials Chemistry) ,  Wee, Kyung-Ryang (Department of Chemistry) ,  Ihee, Hyotcherl (Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A typical metal complex has a central metal surrounded by multiple ligands, which greatly affect the properties of the whole complex. Although heteroleptic complexes often exhibit substantially different behaviors from homoleptic complexes, systematic studies to explain their origins have been rare....

참고문헌 (77)

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