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[해외논문] α-Helical Antimicrobial Peptide Encapsulation and Release from Boron Nitride Nanotubes: A Computational Study 원문보기

International journal of nanomedicine, v.16, 2021년, pp.4277 - 4288  

Zarghami Dehaghani, Maryam (Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources and Joint International Research Lab of Lignocellulosic Functional Materials, Nanjing Forestry University , Nanjing , 210037 , People’s Republic of China) ,  Yousefi, Farrokh (Department of Physics, University of Zanjan , Zanjan , 45195-313 , Iran) ,  Bagheri, Babak (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) , Daejeon , 305-701 , Republic of Korea) ,  Seidi, Farzad (Jiangsu Co-Innovation Center of Efficient Processing and Utilization of Forest Resources and Joint International Research Lab of Lignocellulosic Functional Materials, Nanjing Forestry University , Nanjing , 210037 , People’s Republic of China) ,  Hamed Mashhadzadeh, Amin (Center of Excellence in Electrochemistry, School of Chemistry, College of Science, University of Tehran , Tehran , Ir) ,  Rabiee, Navid ,  Zarrintaj, Payam ,  Mostafavi, Ebrahim ,  Saeb, Mohammad Reza ,  Kim, Yeu-Chun

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

IntroductionAntimicrobial peptides are potential therapeutics as anti-bacteria, anti-viruses, anti-fungi, or anticancers. However, they suffer from a short half-life and drug resistance which limit their long-term clinical usage.MethodsHerein, we captured the encapsulation of antimicrobial peptide H...


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