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[해외논문] Minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata avoid a 15 kHz acoustic deterrent device (ADD)

Marine ecology progress series, v.667, 2021년, pp.191 - 206  

Boisseau, O (Song of the Whale research team, Marine Conservation Research, 94 High Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AA, UK) ,  McGarry, T (RPS Energy, Riverside Court, Beaufort Park, Chepstow NP16 5UH, UK) ,  Stephenson, S (RPS Planning & Development, Lakesbury House, Hiltingbury Road, Chandlers Ford, Southampton SO53 5SS, UK) ,  Compton, R (RPS Energy, Riverside Court, Beaufort Park, Chepstow NP16 5UH, UK) ,  Cucknell, AC (Song of the Whale research team, Marine Conservation Research, 94 High Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AA, UK) ,  Ryan, C (Song of the Whale research team, Marine Conservation Research, 94 High Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AA, UK) ,  McLanaghan, R (Song of the Whale research team, Marine Conservation Research, 94 High Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AA, UK) ,  Moscrop, A (Song of the Whale research team, Marine Conservation Research, 94 High Street, Kelvedon CO5 9AA, UK)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Underwater noise has increased globally, yet our understanding of how baleen whales may be affected is limited. A controlled exposure experiment was used to determine whether an acoustic deterrent device (ADD) would modify the behaviour of minke whalesBalaenoptera acutorostratain Iceland. The Lofite...

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