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[해외논문] Influence of Fibrosis Amount and Patterns on Ventricular Arrhythmogenesis and Pumping Efficacy: Computational Study 원문보기

Frontiers in physiology, v.12, 2021년, pp.644473 -   

Heikhmakhtiar, Aulia Khamas (School of Computing, Telkom University , Bandung , Indonesia) ,  Tekle, Abrha Abebe (Department of IT convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology , Gumi , South Korea) ,  Lim, Ki Moo (Department of IT convergence Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology , Gumi , South Korea)

EDISON 유발 논문

계산과학플랫폼 EDISON을 활용하여 발표된 논문

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Myocardial fibrosis is an integral component of most forms of heart failure. Clinical and computational studies have reported that spatial fibrosis pattern and fibrosis amount play a significant role in ventricular arrhythmogenicity. This study investigated the effect of the spatial distribution of ...


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