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[해외논문] Wafer Delay Analysis and Workload Balancing of Parallel Chambers for Dual-Armed Cluster Tools With Multiple Wafer Types

IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, v.18 no.3, 2021년, pp.1516 - 1526  

Ko, Sung-Gil (Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA), Gwacheon, South Korea) ,  Yu, Tae-Sun (Pukyong National University, Division of Systems Management and Engineering, Busan, South Korea) ,  Lee, Tae-Eog (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We examine a scheduling problem for a dual-armed cluster tool that processes multiple similar wafer types concurrently. It has been recently proved that the well-known swap sequence, which is widely used for single wafer type processing, also minimizes the cycle time for concurrent processing. In th...

참고문헌 (47)

  1. Qiao, Yan, Zhou, MengChu, Wu, NaiQi, Zhu, QingHua. Scheduling and Control of Startup Process for Single-Arm Cluster Tools With Residency Time Constraints. IEEE transactions on control systems technology : a publication of the IEEE Control Systems Society, vol.25, no.4, 1243-1256.

  2. Yang, FaJun, Qiao, Yan, Gao, KaiZhou, Wu, NaiQi, Zhu, YuTing, Simon, Ian Ware, Su, Rong. Efficient Approach to Scheduling of Transient Processes for Time-Constrained Single-Arm Cluster Tools With Parallel Chambers. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.50, no.10, 3646-3657.

  3. Chulhan Kim, Tae-Eog Lee. Feedback Control of Cluster Tools for Regulating Wafer Delays. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.13, no.2, 1189-1199.

  4. Kim, Ja-Hee, Lee, Tae-Eog, Lee, Hwan-Yong, Park, Doo-Byeong. Scheduling analysis of time-constrained dual-armed cluster tools. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.16, no.3, 521-534.

  5. Lee, Tae-Eog, Park, Seong-Ho. An extended event graph with negative places and tokens for time window constraints. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.2, no.4, 319-332.

  6. Ja-Hee Kim, Tae-Eog Lee. Schedulability Analysis of Time-Constrained Cluster Tools With Bounded Time Variation by an Extended Petri Net. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.5, no.3, 490-503.

  7. Nai Qi Wu, MengChu Zhou. Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Residency Time Constraint and Activity Time Variation Based on Petri Nets. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.9, no.2, 446-454.

  8. NaiQi Wu, MengChu Zhou. Schedulability Analysis and Optimal Scheduling of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Residency Time Constraint and Activity Time Variation. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.9, no.1, 203-209.

  9. Qiao, Yan, Wu, NaiQi, Yang, FaJun, Zhou, MengChu, Zhu, QingHua, Qu, Ting. Robust Scheduling of Time-Constrained Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Revisiting and Activity Time Disturbance. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.49, no.6, 1228-1240.

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  11. Lee, Jun-Ho, Kim, Hyun-Jung, Lee, Tae-Eog. Scheduling cluster tools for concurrent processing of two wafer types with PM sharing. International journal of production research, vol.53, no.19, 6007-6022.

  12. Zhu, QingHua, Zhou, MengChu, Qiao, Yan, Wu, NaiQi. Scheduling Transient Processes for Time-Constrained Single-Arm Robotic Multi-Cluster Tools. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.30, no.3, 261-269.

  13. Ko, Sung-Gil, Yu, Tae-Sun, Lee, Tae-Eog. Scheduling Dual-Armed Cluster Tools for Concurrent Processing of Multiple Wafer Types With Identical Job Flows. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.16, no.3, 1058-1070.

  14. Wang, Jipeng, Pan, Chunrong, Hu, Hesuan, Li, Liang, Zhou, Yuan. A Cyclic Scheduling Approach to Single-Arm Cluster Tools With Multiple Wafer Types and Residency Time Constraints. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.16, no.3, 1373-1386.

  15. Hyun-Jung Kim, Jun-Ho Lee, Sunhee Baik, Tae-Eog Lee. Scheduling In-Line Multiple Cluster Tools. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.28, no.2, 171-179.

  16. Qinghua Zhu, Naiqi Wu, Yan Qiao, Mengchu Zhou. Optimal Scheduling of Complex Multi-Cluster Tools Based on Timed Resource-Oriented Petri Nets. IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, vol.4, 2096-2109.

  17. Yang, Fajun, Wu, Naiqi, Qiao, Yan, Su, Rong. Polynomial approach to optimal one-wafer cyclic scheduling of treelike hybrid multi-cluster tools via Petri nets. IEEE/CAA journal of automatica sinica, vol.5, no.1, 270-280.

  18. Kim, Dae-Kyu, Lee, Tae-Eog. Cyclic Scheduling of Sequentially Connected Cluster Tools with a Single I/O Module. IFAC proceedings volumes, vol.46, no.9, 146-151.

  19. Lee, Hwan-Yong, Lee, Tae-Eog. Scheduling single-armed cluster tools with reentrant wafer flows. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.19, no.2, 226-240.

  20. NaiQi Wu, Feng Chu, Chengbin Chu, MengChu Zhou. Petri Net Modeling and Cycle-Time Analysis of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Revisiting. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.43, no.1, 196-207.

  21. Yan Qiao, NaiQi Wu, MengChu Zhou. Schedulability and Scheduling Analysis of Dual-Arm Cluster Tools with Wafer Revisiting and Residency Time Constraints Based on a Novel Schedule. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.45, no.3, 472-484.

  22. Yu, Tae-Sun, Lee, Tae-Eog. Wafer delay analysis and control of dual-armed cluster tools with chamber cleaning operations. International journal of production research, vol.58, no.2, 434-447.

  23. Sethi, S.P., Sidney, J.B., Sriskandarajah, C.. Scheduling in dual gripper robotic cells for productivity gains. IEEE transactions on robotics and automation : A publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, vol.17, no.3, 324-341.

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  26. Wu, Naiqi, Chu, Chengbin, Chu, Feng, Zhou, Meng Chu. A Petri Net Method for Schedulability and Scheduling Problems in Single-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Residency Time Constraints. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.21, no.2, 224-237.

  27. Ja-Hee Kim, MengChu Zhou, Tae-Eog Lee. Schedule Restoration for Single-Armed Cluster Tools. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.27, no.3, 388-399.

  28. Rostami, S., Hamidzadeh, B., Camporese, D.. An optimal periodic scheduler for dual-arm robots in cluster tools with residency constraints. IEEE transactions on robotics and automation : A publication of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, vol.17, no.5, 609-618.

  29. Jun-Ho Lee, Hyun-Jung Kim, Tae-Eog Lee. Scheduling Cluster Tools for Concurrent Processing of Two Wafer Types. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.11, no.2, 525-536.

  30. Pan, ChunRong, Zhou, MengChu, Qiao, Yan, Wu, NaiQi. Scheduling Cluster Tools in Semiconductor Manufacturing: Recent Advances and Challenges. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.15, no.2, 586-601.

  31. Chihyun Jung, Hyun-Jung Kim, Tae-Eog Lee. A Branch and Bound Algorithm for Cyclic Scheduling of Timed Petri Nets. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.12, no.1, 309-323.

  32. Pan, Chunrong, Zhao, Kun, Lu, Yanjun, Zhang, Fei. Scheduling and optimization of mixed-processing with multi-variety wafers in dual-armed cluster tools. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers = 中國工程學刊, vol.41, no.6, 463-472.

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  34. Qiao, Yan, Wu, NaiQi, Yang, FaJun, Zhou, MengChu, Zhu, QingHua. Wafer Sojourn Time Fluctuation Analysis of Time-Constrained Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Revisiting and Activity Time Variation. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.48, no.4, 622-636.

  35. Zuberek, W.M.. Cluster tools with chamber revisiting-modeling and analysis using timed Petri nets. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.17, no.3, 333-344.

  36. Bai, Liping, Wu, Naiqi, Li, Zhiwu, Zhou, MengChu. Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic Scheduling and Buffer Space Configuration for Single-Arm Multicluster Tools With Linear Topology. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.46, no.10, 1456-1467.

  37. Lee, T.E., Park, S.H., Jung, C.. Steady state analysis of timed event graphs with time window constraints. Discrete applied mathematics, vol.167, 202-216.

  38. Tae-Sun Yu, Hyun-Jung Kim, Tae-Eog Lee. Minimization of Waiting Time Variation in a Generalized Two-Machine Flowshop With Waiting Time Constraints and Skipping Jobs. IEEE transactions on semiconductor manufacturing : a publication of the IEEE Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology Society, the IEEE Electron Devices Society, the IEEE Reliability Society,, vol.30, no.2, 155-165.

  39. Kim, Tae-Kyu, Jung, Chihyun, Lee, Tae-Eog. Scheduling start-up and close-down periods of dual-armed cluster tools with wafer delay regulation. International journal of production research, vol.50, no.10, 2785-2795.

  40. Yu, Tae-Sun, Kim, Hyun-Jung, Lee, Tae-Eog. Scheduling Single-Armed Cluster Tools With Chamber Cleaning Operations. IEEE transactions on automation science and engineering, vol.15, no.2, 705-716.

  41. Lee, Tae-Eog, Kim, Hyun-Jung, Roh, Dong-Hyun, Sreenivas, Ramavarapu S.. Characterizing Token Delays of Timed Event Graphs for $K$- Cyclic Schedules. IEEE transactions on automatic control, vol.62, no.2, 961-966.

  42. Zhu, QingHua, Zhou, MengChu, Qiao, Yan, Wu, NaiQi. Petri Net Modeling and Scheduling of a Close-Down Process for Time-Constrained Single-Arm Cluster Tools. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.48, no.3, 389-400.

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  44. Yang, Fajun, Wu, NaiQi, Qiao, Yan, Zhou, MengChu, Li, ZhiWu. Scheduling of Single-Arm Cluster Tools for an Atomic Layer Deposition Process With Residency Time Constraints. IEEE transactions on systems, man, and cybernetics. Systems, vol.47, no.3, 502-516.

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