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[해외논문] A Temperature-Aware Large-Signal SPICE Model for Depletion-Type Silicon Ring Modulators

IEEE photonics technology letters : a publication of the IEEE Laser and Electro-optics Society, v.33 no.17, 2021년, pp.947 - 950  

Kim, Minkyu (Yonsei University, High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory, Seoul, South Korea) ,  Jo, Youngkwan (Yonsei University, High-Speed Circuits and Systems Laboratory, Seoul, South Korea) ,  Lischke, Stefan (IHP Leibniz-Institut fü) ,  Mai, Christian (r Innovative Mikroelektronik, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany) ,  Zimmermann, Lars (IHP Leibniz-Institut fü) ,  Choi, Woo-Young (r Innovative Mikroelektronik, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

We present a large-signal SPICE model for the depletion-type silicon ring (RM) modulator that includes temperature dependence. The model is based on the temperature-dependent equivalent circuit for the RM and allows easy simulation of RM modulation characteristics in SPICE. The accuracy of the model...

참고문헌 (16)

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  3. Kim, Minkyu, Shin, Myungjin, Kim, Min-Hyeong, Yu, Byung-Min, Kim, Younghyun, Ban, Yoojin, Lischke, Stefan, Mai, Christian, Zimmermann, Lars, Choi, Woo-Young. Large-signal SPICE model for depletion-type silicon ring modulators. Photonics research, vol.7, no.9, 948-.

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  8. Agarwal, Saurabh, Ingels, Mark, Pantouvaki, Marianna, Steyaert, Michiel, Absil, Philippe, Van Campenhout, Joris. Wavelength Locking of a Si Ring Modulator Using an Integrated Drop-Port OMA Monitoring Circuit. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, vol.51, no.10, 2328-2344.

  9. Shen, Yiwen, Meng, Xiang, Cheng, Qixiang, Rumley, Sébastien, Abrams, Nathan, Gazman, Alexander, Manzhosov, Evgeny, Glick, Madeleine Strom, Bergman, Keren. Silicon Photonics for Extreme Scale Systems. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.37, no.2, 245-259.

  10. IEEE Int Solid-State Circuits Conf (ISSCC) Dig Tech Papers A 10 Gb/s Si-photonic transceiver with 150 $\mu\text{W}$ 120 $\mu\text{s}$ -lock-time digitally supervised analog microring wavelength stabilization for 1Tb/s/mm2 die-to-die optical networks thonnart 2018 350 

  11. Chen Sun, Wade, Mark, Georgas, Michael, Sen Lin, Alloatti, Luca, Moss, Benjamin, Kumar, Rajesh, Atabaki, Amir H., Pavanello, Fabio, Shainline, Jeffrey M., Orcutt, Jason S., Ram, Rajeev J., Popovic, Milos, Stojanovic, Vladimir. A 45 nm CMOS-SOI Monolithic Photonics Platform With Bit-Statistics-Based Resonant Microring Thermal Tuning. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, vol.51, no.4, 893-907.

  12. Kim, Minkyu, Kim, Min-Hyeong, Jo, Youngkwan, Kim, Hyun-Kyu, Lischke, Stefan, Mai, Christian, Zimmermann, Lars, Choi, Woo-Young. Silicon electronic-photonic integrated 25 Gb/s ring modulator transmitter with a built-in temperature controller. Photonics research, vol.9, no.4, 507-.

  13. Kim, Min-Hyeong, Zimmermann, Lars, Choi, Woo-Young. A Temperature Controller IC for Maximizing Si Micro-Ring Modulator Optical Modulation Amplitude. Journal of lightwave technology : a joint IEEE/OSA publication, vol.37, no.4, 1200-1206.

  14. Chen, Xia, Milosevic, Milan M., Stanković, Stevan, Reynolds, Scott, Bucio, Thalía Domínguez, Li, Ke, Thomson, David J., Gardes, Frederic, Reed, Graham T.. The Emergence of Silicon Photonics as a Flexible Technology Platform. Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.106, no.12, 2101-2116.

  15. Atabaki, Amir H., Moazeni, Sajjad, Pavanello, Fabio, Gevorgyan, Hayk, Notaros, Jelena, Alloatti, Luca, Wade, Mark T., Sun, Chen, Kruger, Seth A., Meng, Huaiyu, Al Qubaisi, Kenaish, Wang, Imbert, Zhang, Bohan, Khilo, Anatol, Baiocco, Christopher V., Popović, Miloš A., Stojanović, Vladimir M., Ram, Rajeev J.. Integrating photonics with silicon nanoelectronics for the next generation of systems on a chip. Nature, vol.556, no.7701, 349-354.

  16. Li, Hao, Balamurugan, Ganesh, Kim, Taehwan, Sakib, Meer N., Kumar, Ranjeet, Rong, Haisheng, Jaussi, James, Casper, Bryan. A 3-D-Integrated Silicon Photonic Microring-Based 112-Gb/s PAM-4 Transmitter With Nonlinear Equalization and Thermal Control. IEEE journal of solid-state circuits, vol.56, no.1, 19-29.


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