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[해외논문] A Neural Recording and Stimulation Chip with Artifact Suppression for Biomedical Devices 원문보기

Journal of healthcare engineering, v.2021, 2021년, pp.4153155 -   

Liu, Xu (College of Microelectronics, Beijing University of Technology, Ping Le Yuan 100# Chao Yang District, Beijing, China) ,  Li, Juzhe (College of Microelectronics, Beijing University of Technology, Ping Le Yuan 100# Chao Yang District, Beijing, China) ,  Chen, Tao (Advanced Photonics Institute, Beijing University of Technology, Ping Le Yuan 100# Chao Yang District, Beijing, China) ,  Wang, Wensi (Engineering Research Center of Intelligent Perception and Autonomous Control (Ministry of Education), Beijing University of Technology, Ping Le Yuan 100# Chao Yang District, Beijing, China) ,  Je, Minkyu (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, 291 Daehak-ro Yuseong-Gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper presents chip implementation of the integrated neural recording and stimulation system with stimulation-induced artifact suppression. The implemented chip consists of low-power neural recording circuits, stimulation circuits, and action potential detection circuits. These circuits constit...

참고문헌 (50)

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