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[해외논문] Methodology to Increase Flexibility in Inter-Region Flow Control for Urban Traffic

Transportation research record : journal of the transportation research board, v.2675 no.8, 2021년, pp.268 - 280  

Kim, Sunghoon (The Korea Transport Institute, Sejong, South Korea) ,  Menendez, Monica (New York University Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, UAE) ,  Yeo, Hwasoo (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, South Korea)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Perimeter control is used to regulate transfer flows between urban regions. The greedy control (GC) method takes either the minimum or the maximum for the control inputs. Although it has the advantage of simplicity for real-time feasibility, a few existing studies have shown that it can sometimes h...

참고문헌 (36)

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  3. Geroliminis, Nikolas, Daganzo, Carlos F.. Existence of urban-scale macroscopic fundamental diagrams: Some experimental findings. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.42, no.9, 759-770.

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  9. Lopez, Clélia, Krishnakumari, Panchamy, Leclercq, Ludovic, Chiabaut, Nicolas, van Lint, Hans. Spatiotemporal Partitioning of Transportation Network Using Travel Time Data. Transportation research record : journal of the transportation research board, vol.2623, no.1, 98-107.

  10. Saeedmanesh, Mohammadreza, Geroliminis, Nikolas. Dynamic clustering and propagation of congestion in heterogeneously congested urban traffic networks. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.105, 193-211.

  11. Yildirimoglu, Mehmet, Sirmatel, Isik Ilber, Geroliminis, Nikolas. Hierarchical control of heterogeneous large-scale urban road networks via path assignment and regional route guidance. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.118, 106-123.

  12. Guo, Qiangqiang, Ban, Xuegang (Jeff). Macroscopic fundamental diagram based perimeter control considering dynamic user equilibrium. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.136, 87-109.

  13. Ingole, Deepak, Mariotte, Guilhem, Leclercq, Ludovic. Perimeter gating control and citywide dynamic user equilibrium: A macroscopic modeling framework. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, vol.111, 22-49.

  14. Kim, Sunghoon, Yeo, Hwasoo. A Flow-based Vulnerability Measure for the Resilience of Urban Road Network. Procedia, social and behavioral sciences, vol.218, 13-23.

  15. Kim, Sunghoon, Yeo, Hwasoo. Evaluating link criticality of road network based on the concept of macroscopic fundamental diagram. Transportmetrica. A, Transport Science, vol.13, no.2, 162-193.

  16. Keyvan-Ekbatani, M., Kouvelas, A., Papamichail, I., Papageorgiou, M.. Exploiting the fundamental diagram of urban networks for feedback-based gating. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.46, no.10, 1393-1403.

  17. Keyvan-Ekbatani, Mehdi, Yildirimoglu, Mehmet, Geroliminis, Nikolas, Papageorgiou, Markos. Multiple Concentric Gating Traffic Control in Large-Scale Urban Networks. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.16, no.4, 2141-2154.

  18. Geroliminis, N., Haddad, J., Ramezani, M.. Optimal Perimeter Control for Two Urban Regions With Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams: A Model Predictive Approach. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.14, no.1, 348-359.

  19. Ambühl, Lukas, Loder, Allister, Zheng, Nan, Axhausen, Kay W., Menendez, Monica. Approximative Network Partitioning for MFDs from Stationary Sensor Data. Transportation research record : journal of the transportation research board, vol.2673, no.6, 94-103.

  20. Aboudolas, K., Geroliminis, N.. Perimeter and boundary flow control in multi-reservoir heterogeneous networks. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.55, 265-281.

  21. Haddad, Jack, Mirkin, Boris. Coordinated distributed adaptive perimeter control for large-scale urban road networks. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, vol.77, 495-515.

  22. Kim, Sunghoon, Tak, Sehyun, Lee, Donghoun, Yeo, Hwasoo. Distributed Model Predictive Approach for Large-Scale Road Network Perimeter Control. Transportation research record : journal of the transportation research board, vol.2673, no.5, 515-527.

  23. Ramezani, M., Haddad, J., Geroliminis, N.. Dynamics of heterogeneity in urban networks: aggregated traffic modeling and hierarchical control. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.74, 1-19.

  24. Kim, Sunghoon, Tak, Sehyun, Yeo, Hwasoo. Agent-based network transmission model using the properties of macroscopic fundamental diagram. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, vol.93, 79-101.

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  26. Yang, Kaidi, Zheng, Nan, Menendez, Monica. Multi-scale perimeter control approach in a connected-vehicle environment. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, vol.94, 32-49.

  27. Yang, Kaidi, Menendez, Monica, Zheng, Nan. Heterogeneity aware urban traffic control in a connected vehicle environment: A joint framework for congestion pricing and perimeter control. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, vol.105, 439-455.

  28. Yoon, Jinwon, Kim, Sunghoon, Byon, Young-Ji, Yeo, Hwasoo. Design of reinforcement learning for perimeter control using network transmission model based macroscopic traffic simulation. PloS one, vol.15, no.7, e0236655-.

  29. Zhou, Dongqin, Gayah, Vikash V.. Model-free perimeter metering control for two-region urban networks using deep reinforcement learning. Transportation research. Part C, Emerging technologies, vol.124, 102949-.

  30. Haddad, Jack, Mirkin, Boris. Resilient perimeter control of macroscopic fundamental diagram networks under cyberattacks. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.132, 44-59.

  31. Ampountolas, Konstantinos, Zheng, Nan, Geroliminis, Nikolas. Macroscopic modelling and robust control of bi-modal multi-region urban road networks. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.104, 616-637.

  32. Kim, Sunghoon, Tak, Sehyun, Yeo, Hwasoo. Investigating Transfer Flow between Urban Networks Based on a Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram. Transportation research record : journal of the transportation research board, vol.2672, no.20, 75-85.

  33. Kim S., Menendez M., Yeo H. Investigating the Impacts of Heterogeneous Inter-Region Travel Demand and Boundary Flow Control on Urban Road Networks. Presented at 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2020. 

  34. Kouvelas, Anastasios, Saeedmanesh, Mohammadreza, Geroliminis, Nikolas. Enhancing model-based feedback perimeter control with data-driven online adaptive optimization. Transportation research Part B, Methodological, vol.96, 26-45.

  35. Sirmatel, Isik Ilber, Geroliminis, Nikolas. Economic Model Predictive Control of Large-Scale Urban Road Networks via Perimeter Control and Regional Route Guidance. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.19, no.4, 1112-1121.

  36. Sirmatel, Isik Ilber, Geroliminis, Nikolas. Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation for Large-Scale Urban Road Networks. IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems : a publication of the IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Council, vol.21, no.12, 4983-4994.


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