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[해외논문] Selective Deposition of Copper on Self-Assembled Block Copolymer Surfaces via Physical Vapor Deposition

ACS applied materials & interfaces, v.13 no.44, 2021년, pp.52931 - 52937  

Lee, Sangho (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge , Massachusetts 02139 , United States) ,  Lee, Wonmoo (Department of Materials Science and Engineering , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge , Massachusetts 02139 , United States) ,  Jung, Hee-Tae ,  Ross, Caroline A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Block copolymer (BCP) self-assembly produces chemically and topographically patterned surfaces which are used to guide the formation of Cu nanostructures by exploiting differences in the mobility of vapor-deposited species on each microdomain. Cu metal films a few nm thick were deposited on three di...


참고문헌 (50)

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