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Hybrid Rockets as Post-Boost Stages and Kick Motors 원문보기

Aerospace, v.8 no.9, 2021년, pp.253 -   

Kamps, Landon ,  Hirai, Shota ,  Nagata, Harunori

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Hybrid rockets are attractive as post-boost stages and kick motors due to their inherent safety and low cost, but it is not clear from previous research which oxidizer is most suitable for maximizing ΔV within a fixed envelope size, or what impact O/F shift and nozzle erosion will have on &Del...

참고문헌 (48)

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  2. Chiaverini Review of Solid-Fuel Regression Rate in Classical and Nonclassical Hybrid Rocket Motors Fundamentals of Hybrid Rocket Combustion and Propulsion 2007 Volume 218 37 

  3. Story Flight Testing of Hybrid-Powered Vehicles Fundamentals of Hybrid Rocket Combustion and Propulsion 2007 Volume 218 553 

  4. Ansari X-Prize https://www.xprize.org/prizes/ansari 

  5. Rocket Crafters Pivots with New Patents for 3D-Printed Fuel https://www.spacedaily.com/reports/Florida_space_startup_Rocket_Crafters_pivots_with_new_patents_for_3D_printed_fuel_999.html 

  6. Vaya Space https://www.vayaspace.com 

  7. Gilmour Space https://www.gspacetech.com 

  8. Several Hybrid Rocket Technologies Hit Advanced Test Stages. Aerospace America https://aerospaceamerica.aiaa.org/year-in-review/several-hybrid-rocket-technologies-hit-advanced-test-stages 

  9. Schmierer, Christian, Kobald, Mario, Tomilin, Konstantin, Fischer, Ulrich, Schlechtriem, Stefan. Low cost small-satellite access to space using hybrid rocket propulsion. Acta astronautica, vol.159, 578-583.

  10. DLR Spinoff HyImpulse Plans Small Launcher Debut https://spacenews.com/dlr-spinoff-hyimpulse-plans-small-launcher-debut-in-2022 

  11. Firehawk https://www.firehawkaerospace.com 

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  13. T4i Hybrid Propellant https://www.t4innovation.com/hybrid-propellant 

  14. Whitmore, Stephen A.. Nytrox as “Drop-in” Replacement for Gaseous Oxygen in SmallSat Hybrid Propulsion Systems. Aerospace, vol.7, no.4, 43-.

  15. Jens, E.T., Cantwell, B.J., Hubbard, G.S.. Hybrid rocket propulsion systems for outer planet exploration missions. Acta astronautica, vol.128, 119-130.

  16. Kamps,, Sakurai,, Saito,, Nagata,. Comprehensive Data Reduction for N2O/HDPE Hybrid Rocket Motor Performance Evaluation. Aerospace, vol.6, no.4, 45-.

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  19. Kamps, Landon, Hirai, Shota, Sakurai, Kazuhito, Viscor, Tor, Saito, Yuji, Guan, Raymond, Isochi, Hikaru, Adachi, Naoto, Itoh, Mitsunori, Nagata, Harunori. Investigation of Graphite Nozzle Erosion in Hybrid Rockets Using Oxygen/High-Density Polyethylene. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.36, no.3, 423-434.

  20. Ito, Seiji, Kamps, Landon, Nagata, Harunori. Fuel Regression Characteristics in Hybrid Rockets Using Nitrous Oxide/High-Density Polyethylene. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.37, no.2, 342-348.

  21. Carmicino, Carmine, Sorge, Annamaria Russo. Role of Injection in Hybrid Rockets Regression Rate Behaviour. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.21, no.4, 606-612.

  22. Nagata, Harunori, Teraki, Hayato, Saito, Yuji, Kanai, Ryuichiro, Yasukochi, Hiroyuki, Wakita, Masashi, Totani, Tsuyoshi. Verification Firings of End-Burning Type Hybrid Rockets. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.33, no.6, 1473-1477.

  23. Saito, Yuji, Yokoi, Toshiki, Yasukochi, Hiroyuki, Soeda, Kentaro, Totani, Tsuyoshi, Wakita, Masashi, Nagata, Harunori. Fuel Regression Characteristics of a Novel Axial-Injection End-Burning Hybrid Rocket. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.34, no.1, 247-259.

  24. Hitt, Matthew A., Frederick Jr., Robert A.. Testing and Modeling of a Porous Axial-Injection, End-Burning Hybrid Motor. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.32, no.4, 834-843.

  25. Hitt, Matthew A., Frederick, Robert A.. Experimental Evaluation of a Nitrous-Oxide Axial-Injection, End-Burning Hybrid Rocket. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.33, no.6, 1555-1560.

  26. Saito, Yuji, Kimino, Masaya, Tsuji, Ayumu, Okutani, Yushi, Soeda, Kentaro, Nagata, Harunori. High Pressure Fuel Regression Characteristics of Axial-Injection End-Burning Hybrid Rockets. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.35, no.2, 328-341.

  27. Ozawa, Kohei, Kitagawa, Koki, Aso, Shigeru, Shimada, Toru. Hybrid Rocket Firing Experiments at Various Axial-Tangential Oxidizer-Flow-Rate Ratios. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.35, no.1, 94-108.

  28. Kamps, Landon, Saito, Yuji, Kawabata, Ryosuke, Wakita, Masashi, Totani, Tsuyoshi, Takahashi, Yusuke, Nagata, Harunori. Method for Determining Nozzle-Throat-Erosion History in Hybrid Rockets. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.33, no.6, 1369-1377.

  29. D'Elia, R., Bernhart, G., Hijlkema, J., Cutard, T.. Experimental analysis of SiC-based refractory concrete in hybrid rocket nozzles. Acta astronautica, vol.126, 168-177.

  30. Bianchi, Daniele, Nasuti, Francesco. Numerical Analysis of Nozzle Material Thermochemical Erosion in Hybrid Rocket Engines. Journal of propulsion and power, vol.29, no.3, 547-558.

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