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[해외논문] Altered dorsal functional connectivity after post-weaning social isolation and resocialization in mice 원문보기

NeuroImage, v.245, 2021년, pp.118740 -   

Kim, Gaon Sandy (Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ,  Lee, Hyoin (Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) ,  Jeong, Yong (Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Abstract Background Social isolation (SI) leads to various mental health disorders. Despite abundant studies on behavioral and neurobiological changes induced by post-weaning SI, the characterization of its imaging correlates, such as resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC), is critically lack...


참고문헌 (105)

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