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[해외논문] Enhancing the Security of FPGA-SoCs via the Usage of ARM TrustZone and a Hybrid-TPM

ACM transactions on reconfigurable technology and systems, v.15 no.1, 2022년, pp.1 - 26  

Gross, Mathieu (Technical University of Munich, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chair of Security in Information Technology, Munich, Germany) ,  Hohentanner, Konrad (Fraunhofer Research Institution AISEC, Munich, Germany) ,  Wiehler, Stefan (Missing Link Electronics, Neu-Ulm, Germany) ,  Sigl, Georg (Technical University of Munich, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Chair of Security in Information Technology and Fraunhofer Research Institution AISEC, Munich, Germany)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Isolated execution is a concept commonly used for increasing the security of a computer system. In the embedded world, ARM TrustZone technology enables this goal and is currently used on mobile devices for applications such as secure payment or biometric authentication. In this work, we investigate ...

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