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[국내논문] Effects of Participant Motivations for Online-Streaming Music Festivals on Social Presence, Flow, and Satisfaction : Focused on ‘Wumuji’ case
온라인 스트리밍 음악 페스티벌 참여자들의 이용 동기가 사회적 실재감, 몰입, 이용 만족도에 미치는 영향 : ‘우리의 무대를 지켜주세요(Wumuji)’ 사례를 중심으로

한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, v.65 no.5, 2021년, pp.437 - 473  

Pyo, Siyoung

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참고문헌 (118)

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  2. Ban, Ok Sook, Park, Joo-Yeun. A Study on Structural Relationships of Internet Personal Broadcasting Continuous Use : TAM 2. 언론과학연구= Journal of communication science, vol.16, no.1, 59-.

  3. Biocca, Frank, Harms, Chad, Burgoon, Judee K.. Toward a More Robust Theory and Measure of Social Presence: Review and Suggested Criteria. Presence : teleoperators and virtual environments, vol.12, no.5, 456-480.

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  5. Guillory, Jamie E., Sundar, S. Shyam. How Does Web Site Interactivity Affect Our Perceptions of an Organization?. Journal of public relations research, vol.26, no.1, 44-61.

  6. Han, Youngju. A Study on the Satisfaction and Social Intention of Personal Broadcasting as Internet Streaming Broadcasting : Focus on Gratifications sought and Gratifications obtained Using the Expected Value Theory. 언론과학연구= Journal of communication science, vol.19, no.3, 124-170.

  7. Jiang, Shaohai. Functional interactivity in social media: an examination of Chinese health care organizations’ microblog profiles. Health promotion international, vol.34, no.1, 38-46.

  8. Joo, Chung Min, Yang, Seung Jun, Chae, Jong Hun, Kim, Gun Hee. The Influence of the Personal broadcasting producer"s and User"s characteristics on fun Perception : Focusing on beauty contents. 커뮤니케이션 이론= Communication theories, vol.15, no.2, 51-91.

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  12. Kim , Jong Moo. Analysis of the Influence that the Motive to View Internet Live Broadcast has on the Degree of Satisfaction in Viewing and the Intention to Continue Viewing. 한국디자인문화학회지 Journal of the Korean society of design culture, vol.23, no.2, 141-152.

  13. Kim, Yeram, Park, Namkee. The Use of SNS Real-time Video Streaming Services, Satisfaction, and Intention of Continuous Use: Influences of Personal Characteristics and Social Presence. 사이버 커뮤니케이션 학보, vol.36, no.3, 53-98.

  14. 구윤희,, 노기영,. Effects of Community Based health Campaign on Citizenship Behavior : Focusing on Campaign Identification and Campaign Participation. 홍보학 연구= Journal of public relations research, vol.22, no.3, 132-157.

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  29. Sundar, S. Shyam, Kalyanaraman, Sriram, Brown, Justin. Explicating Web Site Interactivity : Impression Formation Effects in Political Campaign Sites. Communication research, vol.30, no.1, 30-59.

  30. Sung, M. J., Jung, H. W., & Kim, T. K. (2018, November). The Effect of Motivation to Use on Satisfaction and Flow in Internet Game Broadcasting. Paper presented at the Autumn Conference of the Korea Entertainment Industry Association, Daejeon: Hanbat National University. 

  31. Wen, Jiachen, Lee, Hyemi. What Factors of Live Streaming Commerce Appeal to Chinese Consumers? The Influences of Platform and BJ Characteristics on Purchase Intention and the Moderating Effects of Gender. e-비즈니스 연구, vol.21, no.5, 215-234.

  32. Whiting, Anita, Williams, David. Why people use social media: a uses and gratifications approach. Qualitative market research, vol.16, no.4, 362-369.

  33. Wu, Guohua, Wu, Guohua. Conceptualizing and Measuring the Perceived Interactivity of Websites. Journal of current issues & research in advertising, vol.28, no.1, 87-104.

  34. Yoon, J. Y. (2020). Classical Music Concerts in the Post-Corona Era. The Korean Journal of Arts Studies, 29, 73-90. 

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