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[해외논문] SLIT3 promotes myogenic differentiation as a novel therapeutic factor against muscle loss 원문보기

Journal of cachexia, sarcopenia and muscle, v.12 no.6, 2021년, pp.1724 - 1740  

Cho, Han Jin (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Kim, Hyeonmok (Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Asan Medical Center University of Ulsan College of Medicine Seoul South Korea) ,  Lee, Young‐Sun (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Moon, Sung Ah (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Kim, Jin‐Man (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Kim, Hanjun (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Kim, Min Ji (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Yu, Jiyoung (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Kim, Kyunggon (Asan Institute for Life Sciences Asan Medical Center Seoul South Korea) ,  Baek, In‐Jeoung (Asan I) ,  Lee, Seung Hun ,  Ahn, Kyong Hoon ,  Kim, Sungsub ,  Kang, Jong‐Sun ,  Koh, Jung‐Min

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackgroundSarcopenia and osteoporosis frequently co‐occur in the elderly and have common pathophysiological determinants. Slit guidance ligand 3 (SLIT3) has been recently discovered as a novel therapeutic factor against osteoporosis, and a SLIT3 fragment containing the second leucine&...

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