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[해외논문] iPhone 12 MagSafe technology and cardiac implantable devices: Assessment of the actual risk 원문보기

Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE, v.45 no.3, 2022년, pp.410 - 417  

Censi, Federica (Department of Cardiovascular Endocrine‐) ,  Mattei, Eugenio (Metabolic diseases and Ageing Italian National Institute of Health Rome Italy) ,  Onder, Graziano (Department of Cardiovascular Endocrine‐) ,  Calcagnini, Giovanni (Metabolic diseases and Ageing Italian National Institute of Health Rome Italy)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractBackgroundPacemaker (PM) and implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) are equipped with a magnetic sensor activated by external application of magnets to easily manage some functions of these devices. If activated inadvertently or outside a controlled environment and without the supervi...

참고문헌 (15)

  1. 1 Jacob S , Panaich SS , Maheshwari R , Haddad JW , Padanilam BJ , John SK . Clinical applications of magnets on cardiac rhythm management devices . Europace . 2011 ; 13 : 1222 ‐ 1230 . 21616944 

  2. 2 Greenberg JC , Altawil MR , Singh G . Letter to the editor‐lifesaving therapy inhibition by phones containing magnets . Heart Rhythm . 2021 ; 18 : 1040 ‐ 1041 . 33418126 

  3. 3 Nadeem F , Wu M . Magnetic interference on cardiac implantable electronic devices from Apple iPhone MagSafe technology . J Am Heart Assoc . 2021 ; 10 : e020818 . 34074132 

  4. 4 https://meticulousblog.org/top‐10‐companies‐in‐cardiac‐pacemaker‐devices‐market/ 

  5. 5 EN 45502‐1:2015 Implants for surgery. Active implantable medical devices. General requirements for safety, marking and for information to be provided by the manufacturer 

  6. 6 ISO 14708‐2:2019 Implants for surgery — active implantable medical devices — Part 2: Cardiac pacemakers 

  7. 7 ISO 14117:2019 Active implantable medical devices — Electromagnetic compatibility — EMC test protocols for implantable cardiac pacemakers, implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization devices 

  8. 8 Jongnarangsin K , Thaker JP , Thakur RK . Pacemakers and magnets: an arranged marriage . Heart Rhythm . 2009 ; 6 : 1437 ‐ 1438 . 19716347 

  9. 9 Shea JB , Aguilar M , Sauer WH , Tedrow U . Unintentional magnet reversion of an implanted cardiac defibrillator by an electronic cigarette . HeartRhythm Case Rep . 2020 ; 6 : 121 ‐ 123 . 32195116 

  10. 10 Seckler T , Jagielski K , Stunder D . Assessment of electromagnetic interference with active cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) caused by the Qi A13 design wireless charging board . Int J Environ Res Public Health . 2015 ; 12 : 5886 ‐ 5904 . 26024360 

  11. 11 Wolber T , Ryf S , Binggeli C , et al. Potential interference of small neodymium magnets with cardiac pacemakers and implantable cardioverter‐defibrillators . Heart Rhythm . 2007 ; 4 : 1 ‐ 4 . 17198980 

  12. 12 Kozik TM , Chien G , Connolly TF , Grewal GS , Liang D , Chien W . iPad2(R) use in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators causes electromagnetic interference: the EMIT study . J Am Heart Assoc . 2014 ; 3 : e000746 . 24721802 

  13. 13 Lee S , Fu K , Kohno T , Ransford B , Maisel WH . Clinically significant magnetic interference of implanted cardiac devices by portable headphones . Heart Rhythm . 2009 ; 6 : 1432 ‐ 1436 . 19968922 

  14. 14 Asher EB , Panda N , Tran CT , Wu M . Smart wearable device accessories may interfere with implantable cardiac devices . HeartRhythm Case Rep . 2021 ; 7 : 167 ‐ 169 . 33786313 

  15. 15 https://support.apple.com/en‐us/HT211900 Access: 23.08.2021 . 

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