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[국내논문] The Effect of Increased Face Mask-wearing on Dry Eye Symptoms during the COVID-19 Pandemic
코로나 19 상황에서 장시간 마스크 착용이 안구건조증에 미치는 영향 원문보기

한국안광학회지 = Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society, v.27 no.1, 2022년, pp.79 - 87  

Kim, Se-Jin ,  Kim, Hyojin

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (17)

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  2. Pflugfelder, Stephen C., Tseng, Scheffer C.G., Sanabria, Olga, Kell, Hans, Garcia, Carlos G., Felix, Carlos, Feuer, William, Reis, Brenda L.. Evaluation of Subjective Assessments and Objective Diagnostic Tests for Diagnosing Tear-Film Disorders Known to Cause Ocular Irritation. Cornea, vol.17, no.1, 38-38.

  3. 변용수, 전은정, 정성근. 안구건조증 환자에서 사이클로스포린 0.05% 점안액의 임상효과. 대한안과학회지 = Journal of the Korean Opthalmological Society, vol.49, no.10, 1583-1588.

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  8. Moshirfar, Majid, West Jr., William B., Marx, Douglas P.. Face Mask-Associated Ocular Irritation and Dryness. Ophthalmology and therapy, vol.9, no.3, 397-400.

  9. Giannaccare, Giuseppe, Vaccaro, Sabrina, Mancini, Alessandra, Scorcia, Vincenzo. Dry eye in the COVID-19 era: how the measures for controlling pandemic might harm ocular surface. Graefe’s archive for clinical and experimental ophthalmology = Albrecht von Graefes Archiv für klinische und experimentelle Ophthalmologie, vol.258, no.11, 2567-2568.

  10. Kang MH, Jeong C, Na J. COVID-19 and face masks: East-West cultural differences in wearing face masks in public. Korean Journal of Social and Personality Psychology. 2021;35(4):77-103. 

  11. Kwon, JuYoun, Lim, Gayoung, Kim, Seung-Hyun, Shin, Hyun-Jae, Lee, Joo-Young. Risk Awareness to COVID-19 and Wear Behavior of Protective Masks between Adults and Adolescent Living in Seoul and Gyunggi Province. 한국지역사회생활과학회지 = The Korean Journal of Community Living Science, vol.31, no.3, 335-351.

  12. Kang, Eun-mi. Changes in Fashion Perception Due to the Spread of COVID-19 - Focusing on the Comparison between 2019 and 2020 -. 한국디자인문화학회지 Journal of the Korean society of design culture, vol.27, no.1, 15-27.

  13. Bae S. The effect of wearing a mask due to Covid-19 on the skin condition and skin care behavior of adults. MS Thesis. Daegu Haany University, Gyeongsan. 2021;62-69. 

  14. Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. Cases of COVID-19 in Korea, 2022. https://ncov.mohw.go.kr/bdBoardList_Real.do(18 January 2022). 

  15. Kwak HS. COVID-19 the effects of social distance on life stress: focused on difference between social anxiety and self-rationalization level. MS Thesis. Daegu University, Gyeongsan. 2021;27-29. 

  16. Cheng, Vincent Chi-Chung, Wong, Shuk-Ching, Chuang, Vivien Wai-Man, So, Simon Yung-Chun, Chen, Jonathan Hon-Kwan, Sridhar, Siddharth, To, Kelvin Kai-Wang, Chan, Jasper Fuk-Woo, Hung, Ivan Fan-Ngai, Ho, Pak-Leung, Yuen, Kwok-Yung. The role of community-wide wearing of face mask for control of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic due to SARS-CoV-2. The Journal of infection, vol.81, no.1, 107-114.

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