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[해외논문] Old Words, New Meanings: A Study of Trends in Science Librarian Job Ads. 원문보기

Issues in science and technology librarianship : STS electronic communications, no.63 = no.63, 2010년, pp. -   

Bychowski, Brenna K. H. ,  Costa, Mia C. ,  Sudhakaran, Jessamyn

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Job ads are supposed to provide careful descriptions of the positions being advertised. Based on this premise, an analysis of job ads over time should reveal emerging trends and changes in a profession. The existing literature on science librarianship emphasizes that there are fluctuations in the de...

참고문헌 (10)

  1. 10.1300/J122v27n01_04 Brown, C. 2007. Recruiting the best. Science & Technology Libraries 27(1-2): 41-53. 

  2. 10.29173/istl2501 DeArmond, A.R., Oster, A.D., Overhauser, E.A., Palos, M.K., Powell, S.M., Sago, K.K., & Schelling, L.R. 2009. Preparing science librarians for success: an evaluation of position advertisements and recommendations for library science curricula. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship [Internet]. [Cited September 2, 2010]; 59. Available from: http://www.istl.org/09-fall/article1.html 

  3. Jones, M.L.B., Lembo, M.F., & Manasco, J.E. 2002. Recruiting entry-level sci-tech librarians: an analysis of job advertisements and outcome of searches. Sci-Tech News 56(2): 12-16. 

  4. 10.1300/J122v27n01_13 Level, A.V. & Blair, J. 2007. Holding on to our own: factors affecting the recruitment and retention of science librarians. Science & Technology Libraries 27(1-2):185-202. 

  5. 10.1300/J122v17n02_02 Lucker, J. 1998. The changing nature of scientific and technical librarianship: a personal perspective over 40 years. Science & Technology Libraries 17(2), 3-10. 

  6. 10.5860/crl.70.3.250 Mathews, J.M. & Pardue, H. 2009. The presence of IT skill sets in librarian position announcements. College & Research Libraries 70(3):250-257. 

  7. 10.1080/01942620903579443 Meier, J.J. 2010. Are today's science and technology librarians being overtasked? An analysis of job responsibilities in recent advertisements on the ALA JobLIST web site. Science & Technology Libraries 29(1-2):165-175. 

  8. 10.1300/J122v26n02_04 Ortega, L. & Brown, C.M. 2005. The face of 21st century physical science librarianship. Science & Technology Libraries 26(2): 71-90. 

  9. 10.29173/istl1777 Osorio, N.L. 1999. An analysis of science-engineering academic library positions in the last three decades. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship [Internet]. [Cited September 2, 2010]; 24. Available from: http://www.istl.org/99-fall/article2.html 

  10. 10.3163/1536-5050.96.4.015 Wu, L. & Li, P. 2008. What do they want? a content analysis of Medical Library Association reference job announcements, 2000-2005. Journal of the Medical Library Association 96(4): 378-381. 

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