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[해외논문] HiGee Microbubble Generator: (II) Controllable Preparation of Microbubbles

Industrial & engineering chemistry research, v.61 no.45 = no.45, 2022년, pp.16832 - 16842  

Jiang, Lan (State Key Laboratory of Organic−) ,  Wang, Li-Hua (Inorganic Composites , Beijing University of Chemical Technology , Beijing 100029 , P. R. China) ,  Liao, Hai-Long (State Key Laboratory of Organic−) ,  Jiang, Wen-Tao (Inorganic Composites , Beijing University of Chemical Technology , Beijing 100029 , P. R. China) ,  Luo, Qian (State Key Laboratory of Organic−) ,  Chu, Guang-Wen (Inorganic Composites , Beijing University of Chemical Technology , Beijing 100029 , P. R. China) ,  Luo, Yong (State Key Laboratory of Organic−)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Microbubbles can significantly intensify the gas-liquid mass transfer process. With the current bubble generators, it is difficult to achieve the controllable preparation of microbubbles with gas-liquid volume flow rate ratios greater than 0.5, which limits the applications of the microbubble techno...

참고문헌 (45)

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