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[해외논문] Toward a Cognitive-Inspired Hashtag Recommendation for Twitter Data Analysis 원문보기

IEEE transactions on computational social systems : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Computer Society, v.9 no.6, 2022년, pp.1748 - 1757  

Djenouri, Youcef (SINTEF Digital, Oslo, Norway) ,  Belhadi, Asma (School of Economics, Innovation and Technology, Kristiania University College, Oslo, Norway) ,  Srivastava, Gautam (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Brandon University, Brandon, MB, Canada) ,  Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei (Department of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway)

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (41)

  1. 10.1109/FUZZ48607.2020.9177543 

  2. Djenouri, Youcef, Belhadi, Asma, Djenouri, Djamel, Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei. Cluster-based information retrieval using pattern mining. Applied intelligence, vol.51, no.4, 1888-1903.

  3. Naseem, Usman, Razzak, Imran, Khushi, Matloob, Eklund, Peter W., Kim, Jinman. COVIDSenti: A Large-Scale Benchmark Twitter Data Set for COVID-19 Sentiment Analysis. IEEE transactions on computational social systems : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Computer Society, vol.8, no.4, 1003-1015.

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  5. Sert, Egemen, Okan, Oral, Ozbilen, Alper, Ertekin, Seyda, Ozdemir, Suat. Linking COVID-19 Perception With Socioeconomic Conditions Using Twitter Data. IEEE transactions on computational social systems : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Computer Society, vol.9, no.2, 394-405.

  6. Jelodar, Hamed, Wang, Yongli, Xiao, Gang, Rabbani, Mahdi, Zhao, Ruxin, Ayobi, Seyedvalyallah, Hu, Peng, Masood, Isma. Recommendation system based on semantic scholar mining and topic modeling on conference publications. Soft computing : a fusion of foundations, methodologies and applications, vol.25, no.5, 3675-3696.

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  9. Coniglio, Stefano, Furini, Fabio, San Segundo, Pablo. A new combinatorial branch-and-bound algorithm for the Knapsack Problem with Conflicts. European journal of operational research, vol.289, no.2, 435-455.

  10. Shi, Tianhao, Ding, Shifei, Xu, Xiao, Ding, Ling. A community detection algorithm based on Quasi-Laplacian centrality peaks clustering. Applied intelligence, vol.51, no.11, 7917-7932.

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  13. Belhadi, Asma, Djenouri, Youcef, Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei, Cano, Alberto. A Data-Driven Approach for Twitter Hashtag Recommendation. IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, vol.8, 79182-79191.

  14. Kumar, Nagendra, Baskaran, Eshwanth, Konjengbam, Anand, Singh, Manish. Hashtag recommendation for short social media texts using word-embeddings and external knowledge. Knowledge and information systems, vol.63, no.1, 175-198.

  15. Lei, Kai, Fu, Qiuai, Yang, Min, Liang, Yuzhi. Tag recommendation by text classification with attention-based capsule network. Neurocomputing, vol.391, 65-73.

  16. Gong, Yeyun, Zhang, Qi, Huang, Xuanjing. Hashtag recommendation for multimodal microblog posts. Neurocomputing, vol.272, 170-177.

  17. Wang, Zengmao, Xia, Haifeng, Chen, Shuai, Chun, Gang. Joint representation learning with ratings and reviews for recommendation. Neurocomputing, vol.425, 181-190.

  18. Shi, Bichen, Poghosyan, Gevorg, Ifrim, Georgiana, Hurley, Neil. Hashtagger+: Efficient High-Coverage Social Tagging of Streaming News. IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering, vol.30, no.1, 43-58.

  19. Makki, Raheleh, Carvalho, Eder, Soto, Axel J., Brooks, Stephen, Oliveira, Maria Cristina Ferreira De, Milios, Evangelos, Minghim, Rosane. ATR-Vis : Visual and Interactive Information Retrieval for Parliamentary Discussions in Twitter. ACM transactions on knowledge discovery from data, vol.12, no.1, 1-33.

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  22. Chen, Yu-Chi, Lai, Kuan-Ting, Liu, Dong, Chen, Ming-Syan. TAGNet: Triplet-Attention Graph Networks for Hashtag Recommendation. IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology : a publication of the Circuits and Systems Society, vol.32, no.3, 1148-1159.

  23. Khanam, Kazi Zainab, Srivastava, Gautam, Mago, Vijay. The homophily principle in social network analysis: A survey. Multimedia tools and applications, vol.82, no.6, 8811-8854.

  24. Gao, Jiameng, Zhang, Chunxia, Xu, Yanyan, Luo, Meiqiu, Niu, Zhendong. Hybrid microblog recommendation with heterogeneous features using deep neural network. Expert systems with applications, vol.167, 114191-.

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  26. Belhadi, Asma, Djenouri, Youcef, Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei, Zhang, Chongsheng, Cano, Alberto. Exploring Pattern Mining Algorithms for Hashtag Retrieval Problem. IEEE access : practical research, open solutions, vol.8, 10569-10583.

  27. Lin, Jerry Chun-Wei, Shao, Yinan, Djenouri, Youcef, Yun, Unil. ASRNN: A recurrent neural network with an attention model for sequence labeling. Knowledge-based systems, vol.212, 106548-.

  28. Petersen, Kai, Gerken, Jan M.. #Covid-19: An exploratory investigation of hashtag usage on Twitter. Health policy, vol.125, no.4, 541-547.

  29. Zhang, Shuai, Liu, Hongyan, He, Jun, Han, Sanpu, Du, Xiaoyong. A deep bi-directional prediction model for live streaming recommendation. Information processing & management, vol.58, no.2, 102453-.

  30. Garvey, Myles D., Samuel, Jim, Pelaez, Alexander. Would you please like my tweet?! An artificially intelligent, generative probabilistic, and econometric based system design for popularity-driven tweet content generation. Decision support systems, vol.144, 113497-.

  31. Banerjee, Suman, Jenamani, Mamata, Pratihar, Dilip Kumar. A survey on influence maximization in a social network. Knowledge and information systems, vol.62, no.9, 3417-3455.

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  33. Zheng, Quan, Guo, Ying, Wang, Zhen, Andrasik, Frank, Kuang, Ziyi, Li, Junyi, Xu, Sheng, Hu, Xiangen. Exploring Weibo users’ attitudes toward lesbians and gays in Mainland China: A natural language processing and machine learning approach. Computers in human behavior, vol.127, 107021-.

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  35. Li, Yang, Jiang, Jing, Liu, Ting, Qiu, Minghui, Sun, Xiaofei. Personalized Microtopic Recommendation on Microblogs. ACM transactions on intelligent systems and technology, vol.8, no.6, 1-21.

  36. Zhao, F., Zhu, Y., Jin, H., Yang, L.T.. A personalized hashtag recommendation approach using LDA-based topic model in microblog environment. Future generation computer systems : FGCS, vol.65, 196-206.

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  38. Gupta, Vibhuti, Hewett, Rattikorn. Real-Time Tweet Analytics Using Hybrid Hashtags on Twitter Big Data Streams. Information, vol.11, no.7, 341-.

  39. Xie, Yulai, Tong, Shuai, Zhou, Pan, Li, Yuli, Feng, Dan. Efficient Storage Management for Social Network Events Based on Clustering and Hot/Cold Data Classification. IEEE transactions on computational social systems : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Computer Society, vol.10, no.1, 120-130.

  40. Almuqren, Latifah, Cristea, Alexandra I.. Predicting STC Customers’ Satisfaction Using Twitter. IEEE transactions on computational social systems : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Computer Society, vol.10, no.1, 204-210.

  41. Liu, Lin, Cao, Zhidong, Zhao, Pengfei, Hu, Paul Jen-Hwa, Zeng, Daniel Dajun, Luo, Yin. A Deep Learning Approach for Semantic Analysis of COVID-19-Related Stigma on Social Media. IEEE transactions on computational social systems : a publication of the IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society and the IEEE Computer Society, vol.10, no.1, 246-254.

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