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Conservative and Progressive Media’s Corporate News Coverage and Their Effects on Businessmen’s Economic Evaluation Sentiment : Big Data Analysis with BERT-Based Deep Learning Model
언론의 정치 성향에 따른 기업 보도 태도의 차이와 기업인 경기평가 심리에 미치는 영향 분석 : BERT 기반 딥러닝 모형을 적용한 빅데이터 분석

한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, v.67 no.1, 2023년, pp.185 - 229  

Ri, Sung Yoon ,  Baek, Kanghui ,  Lee, Jong Hyuk

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (136)

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  2. Behr, Roy L., Iyengar, Shanto. Television News, Real-World Cues, and Changes in the Public Agenda. Public opinion quarterly, vol.49, no.1, 38-57.

  3. Billard, Thomas J. Setting the transgender agenda: intermedia agenda-setting in the digital news environment. Politics, groups & identities, vol.7, no.1, 165-176.

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  5. Case, Karl E., Quigley, John M., Shiller, Robert J.. Comparing Wealth Effects: The Stock Market versus the Housing Market. Advances in macroeconomics, vol.5, no.1, 20121001-.

  6. Choi, Jaedong, Hong, Soomin, Jho, Whasun. Framing Contests over International News: An Analysis of Media Discourse on GSOMIA Termination. 정보사회와 미디어 = Information society & media, vol.22, no.2, 51-75.

  7. Choi, Chang shik, Im, Yung-Ho. Sentiment analysis as a research method on partisanship in the presidential coverage. 한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, vol.65, no.1, 35-70.

  8. Damstra, Alyt, Boukes, Mark. The Economy, the News, and the Public: A Longitudinal Study of the Impact of Economic News on Economic Evaluations and Expectations. Communication research, vol.48, no.1, 26-50.

  9. Fogarty, Brian J.. Determining Economic News Coverage. International journal of public opinion research, vol.17, no.2, 149-172.

  10. Goidel, Robert K., Langley, Ronald E.. Media Coverage of the Economy and Aggregate Economic Evaluations: Uncovering Evidence of Indirect Media Effects. Political research quarterly, vol.48, no.2, 313-328.

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  12. Ham, Seungkyung, Kim, Hyejung, Kim, Yungwook. A Big-Data Analysis of Media Coverage on COVID-19 : Topic Modeling and Semantic Network Analyses by Issue Cycle and Political Orientation. 한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, vol.65, no.1, 148-189.

  13. Harrington, David E.. Economic News on Television: The Determinants of Coverage. Public opinion quarterly, vol.53, no.1, 17-40.

  14. Henry, O., Olekalns, N., Shields, K.. Sign and phase asymmetry: News, economic activity and the stock market. Journal of macroeconomics, vol.32, no.4, 1083-1100.

  15. Hester, Joe Bob, Gibson, Rhonda. The Economy and Second-Level Agenda Setting: A Time-Series Analysis of Economic News and Public Opinion about the Economy. Journalism & mass communication quarterly, vol.80, no.1, 73-90.

  16. The influence of negative newspaper coverage on consumer confidence: The Dutch case. Journal of economic psychology, vol.32, no.3, 367-373.

  17. 홍주현, 손영준. 사드 루머(THAAD rumor) 보도에 나타난 한국 언론의 정파성 네트워크 분석과 프레임 분석을 중심으로. 한국언론정보학보 = Korean Journal of Communication & Information, vol.84, 152-188.

  18. Hyun, Ki Deuk, Seo, Mihye. Comparing Conservative and Progressive Audiences in their Partisan Perception, Trust and Use of Hostile and Friendly News Media. 한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, vol.63, no.2, 46-76.

  19. Jonkman, Jeroen, Boukes, Mark, Vliegenthart, Rens. When Do Media Matter Most? A Study on the Relationship between Negative Economic News and Consumer Confidence across the Twenty-Eight EU States. The international journal of press/politics, vol.25, no.1, 76-95.

  20. Joseph, V. Roshan. Optimal ratio for data splitting. Statistical analysis and data mining, vol.15, no.4, 531-538.

  21. Jung, Jaechul, Lee, Jonghyuk. A Comparative Analysis of the News Coverage on the Korea-US Alliance with the Alliance-independence Perspectives: An Application of BERT-based Deep-learning Model. 사이버 커뮤니케이션 학보, vol.39, no.4, 205-263.

  22. Kim, Eunjung,, Yu, Hongsik,, Han, Kyujoon,. Analysis of Frame Types in the Income-led Growth News Reports. 한국언론정보학보 = Korean Journal of Communication & Information, vol.96, 7-36.

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  24. Larcinese, V., Puglisi, R., Snyder, J.M.. Partisan bias in economic news: Evidence on the agenda-setting behavior of U.S. newspapers. Journal of public economics, vol.95, no.9, 1178-1189.

  25. Lee, Jong Hyuk. Differences in the Use of North Korean Experts by Conservative and Progressive Media : Focusing on KPF-BERT-based Deep-Learning Analysis of Expert Quotes. 한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, vol.66, no.6, 154-194.

  26. 이종혁, 길우영. 보도 프레임 메타분석(meta-analysis)을 통한 보수-진보 매체의 공정성 모형 검증: 정파성(partisanship), 양가성(ambivalence), 이중성(biconceptualism)을 중심으로. 커뮤니케이션학연구= Korean Journal of Communication Studies, vol.26, no.1, 117-154.

  27. 이나연,, Kanghui Baek,. Changes in South Korean Economic News from 1994 to 2014 : Focusing on the Watchdog Role of Journalism. 한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, vol.60, no.4, 203-231.

  28. Lee, So-Eun, Oh, Hyun Kyung. Evaluations of News Media and News Use by Media Outlets, Companies, and Topics : Focusing on the Moderating Effects of Users' Political Orientation. 한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, vol.65, no.2, 241-285.

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  31. Lee, Seunghee, Ahn, Hyunsu. A Study on the Influence of Insta-toon on the Date Violence Bias and its Process : Based on Comparison with News Articles. 한국언론학보 = Korean journal of journalism & communication studies, vol.64, no.4, 5-39.

  32. Lee, W., & Roh, S. (2008). From “what to think about” to “when to think”: A time series analysis on the temporal gap in the inter-influences among the real-world economy, economic news, and mass economic judgment. Korean Journal of Journalism & Communication Studies, 52(5), 320-345. 

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