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Topological Optimization of Non-Pneumatic Unique Puncture-Proof Tire System Spoke Design for Tire Performance

SAE international journal of passenger vehicle systems, v.17 no.1, 2024년, pp.15-17-01-0001 -   

Dhrangdhariya, Priyankkumar (Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, TCS Research, India) ,  Maiti, Soumyadipta (Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, TCS Research, India) ,  Rai, Beena (Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, TCS Research, India)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Non-pneumatic tires (NPTs) have been widely used due to their advantages of no occurrence of puncture-related problems, no need of air maintenance, low rolling resistance, and improvement of passenger comfort due to its better shock absorption. It has a variety of applications as in earthmovers, pla...

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