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Influences of probe shape and surface roughness on tack properties measured by the probe tack test and characterization of crosslinked polyacrylic pressure‐sensitive adhesives

Journal of applied polymer science, v.140 no.31, 2023년, pp.e54213 -   

Nakamura, Yoshinobu (Department of Applied Chemistry Osaka Institute of Technology Osaka Japan) ,  Kishimoto, Risa (Department of Applied Chemistry Osaka Institute of Technology Osaka Japan) ,  Nishi, Hiroki (Department of Applied Chemistry Osaka Institute of Technology Osaka Japan) ,  Uchimura, Natsuki (Department of Applied Chemistry Osaka Institute of Technology Osaka Japan) ,  Yoden, Hiroyuki (Precision Machining Section Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture Okayama Japan) ,  Hikasa, Shigeki (Function Materials Section Industrial Technology Center of Okayama Prefecture Okayama Japan) ,  Iwata, Hideki (Monodzukuri Center (Monolab.) Osaka Institute of Technology Osaka Japan) ,  Urahama, Yoshiaki (Graduate School of Engineering University of Hyogo Hyogo Japan) ,  Hirai, Tomoyasu (Department of Applied Chemistry Osaka Institute of Technology Osaka Japan) ,  Fujii, Syuji (Department of Applied Chemistry Osaka Institute of Technology Osaka Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractFor a probe tack test for a pressure‐sensitive adhesive (PSA) under the conditions of light contact pressure and short contact time, probes with shapes and surface roughnesses suitable to achieve better wettability were investigated. A smooth, polished probe that became slightly conve...

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