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[국내논문] Effect of Fruit Set Levels and Contact between Berries on Fruit Quality in ‘Jinok’ and ‘Campbell Early’ Grapes

Horticultural science and technology = 원예과학기술지, v.42 no.1, 2024년, pp.117 - 126  

Choi, Young Min (Department of Horticulture Science, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 54896, Korea) ,  Jung, Sung Min ,  Choi, Dong Geun

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (20)

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  3. Brown, Ken, Considine, John. Physical Aspects of Fruit Growth : STRESS DISTRIBUTION AROUND LENTICELS. Plant physiology, vol.69, no.3, 585-590.

  4. Choi, Young Min, Choi, Dong Geun. Relationship between Cracking Occurrence and Growth or Fruit Characteristics in ‘Jinok’ and ‘Campbell Early’ Grapes. Horticultural science and technology = 원예과학기술지, vol.41, no.6, 656-665.

  5. CLARKE, S. J., HARDIE, W. J., ROGIERS, S. Y.. Changes in susceptibility of grape berries to splitting are related to impaired osmotic water uptake associated with losses in cell vitality : Fruit splitting in the ripening grape berry. Australian journal of grape and wine research, vol.16, no.3, 469-476.

  6. Considine, John, Brown, Ken. Physical Aspects of Fruit Growth : THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF DISTRIBUTION OF SURFACE GROWTH FORCES IN FRUIT IN RELATION TO CRACKING AND SPLITTING. Plant physiology, vol.68, no.2, 371-376.

  7. Coombe, B. G.. Research on Development and Ripening of the Grape Berry. American journal of enology and viticulture, vol.43, no.1, 101-110.

  8. Guidoni, Silvia, Allara, Pierpaolo, Schubert, Andrea. Effect of Cluster Thinning on Berry Skin Anthocyanin Composition ofVitis viniferacv. Nebbiolo. American journal of enology and viticulture, vol.53, no.3, 224-226.

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  10. 김수진, 박서준, 고상욱, 정성민, 허윤영, 남종철, 박교선. '캠벨얼리' 포도의 지경솎기에 따른 작업 절감 효과 및 과실 특성. 韓國資源植物學會誌 = Korean journal of plant resources, vol.28, no.2, 290-295.

  11. Knoche, Moritz, Peschel, Stefanie. Water on the Surface Aggravates Microscopic Cracking of the Sweet Cherry Fruit Cuticle. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol.131, no.2, 192-200.

  12. MCCARTHY, M.G.. The effect of transient water deficit on berry development of cv. Shiraz (Vitis vinifera L.). Australian journal of grape and wine research, vol.3, no.3, 2-8.

  13. Meneguzzo, Julio, Miele, Alberto, Rizzon, Luiz-Antenor, Ayub, Marco Antonio Zachia. Effect of bunch rot on the sensory characteristics of the Gewürztraminer wine. OENO One : vine and wine open access journal, vol.42, no.2, 107-.

  14. Rio Segade, S., Giacosa, S., Torchio, F., de Palma, L., Novello, V., Gerbi, V., Rolle, L.. Impact of different advanced ripening stages on berry texture properties of 'Red Globe' and 'Crimson Seedless' table grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera L.). Scientia horticulturae, vol.160, 313-319.

  15. Tilbrook, Joanne, Tyerman, Stephen D.. Cell death in grape berries: varietal differences linked to xylem pressure and berry weight loss. Functional plant biology : FPB, vol.35, no.3, 173-.

  16. Yamamoto, Takanori, Satoh, Hide. Relationship among Berry Cracking Susceptibility, Berry Morphology and Skin Stress Distribution in Several Grape Cultivars. 園藝學會雜誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, vol.63, no.2, 247-256.

  17. YAMAMURA, Hiroshi, NAITO, Ryuji. The Surface Wax of Several Grapes in Japan. 園藝學會雜誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, vol.52, no.3, 266-272.

  18. YAMAMURA, Hiroshi, NAITO, Ryuji. Susceptibility to Berry Splitting in Several Grape Cultivars. 園藝學會雜誌 = Journal of the Japanese Society for Horticultural Science, vol.53, no.4, 390-395.

  19. Yun, Hae Keun, Park, Kyo Sun, Roh, Jeong Ho, Kwack, Yong Bum, Jun, Ji Hae, Jeong, Seok Tae, Jang, Han Ik, Kim, Seung Heui, Shin, Yong Uk. Table Grape ‘Jinok’. HortScience : a publication of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol.43, no.7, 2222-2223.

  20. Zsofi, Zs., Villango, Sz., Palfi, Z., Toth, E., Balo, B.. Texture characteristics of the grape berry skin and seed (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Kekfrankos) under postveraison water deficit. Scientia horticulturae, vol.172, 176-182.

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