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Lipid peroxidation in regenerating rat liver 원문보기

FEBS letters, v.209 no.2, 1986년, pp.191 - 196  

Cheeseman, K.H. (Department of Biochemistry, Brunel University, U B8 3 P H,, Uxbridge, England) ,  Collins, M. ,  Maddix, S. ,  Milia, A. ,  Proudfoot, K. ,  Slater, T.F. ,  Burton, G.W. ,  Webb, A. ,  Ingold, K.U.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Rats entrained to a strictly regulated lighting and feeding schedule have been subjected to partial hepatectomy or a sham operation. In the partially hepatectomised animals the period of liver regeneration is characterised by regular bursts of thymidine kinase activity. Liver microsomes from rats, a...


참고문헌 (27)

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