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A Statistical Test for Nested Radial Dea Models

Operations research, v.50 no.4, 2002년, pp.728 - 735  

Pastor, Jesús T. (Centro de Investigació) ,  Ruiz, JosÉ (n Operativa, Universidad Miguel Herná) ,  L. (ndez, Avd. del Ferrocarril, s) ,  Sirvent, Inmaculada (Centro de Investigació)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Some problems in economics, operations research, and engineering may be approached by means of a pair of radial DEA models that are nested, i.e., that the set of constraints of one of them is included in that of the other. In this paper we have focused on analyzing the marginal role of a given vari...

참고문헌 (32)

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