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[해외논문] Communication patterns among young Korean immigrants

International journal of intercultural relations : IJIR, v.8 no.4, 1984년, pp.373 - 389  

Jun, S.-H. (University of Southern California, , USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The study examines diverse host and ethnic interpersonal and mass media communication patterns of 69 first-generation college Korean immigrants. A series of analyses of variance with length of stay in the United States and sex as prior independent variables was used for detecting diverse communicati...


Cette etude se propose d'examiner diverses hote et ethnic structures de communication interpersonelles et de la mass media. Une serie des anova avec une langue duree de sejour aux etat-unis et le sesce, comme prealable variable independent, etaient utilises pour detecter les diverses structures de communications. Les differences dans l'usage de le mass media hote, souf pour les periodique, n'etaient pas effectees par la duree du sejour dans la societe d'accueil. Toutefois, en ce qui concerne l'utilisation des journeaux ethniques, une interaction significative a ete trouvee. Les principaux effets de sesce et de duree aux etats-unis ainsi que les effets de l'interaction n'ont pas d'importance dans diverses communications interpersonnelles entre les Americans et les Coreens. Cependant, sans tenir compte du sesce, la distance de communication entre les adultes immigrants et leurs enfants etait significativement revelee au cours des annees. La maitrise de la langue est egalement diminuee les ecarts entre les generations et les structures generales de communication. Des diverses differences dans les structures de communications, liees aux predicables applicables, sont egalement traites.

참고문헌 (12)

  1. American Anthropologist Broom 57 44 1955 10.1525/aa.1955.57.1.02a00060 The validation of acculturation: A condition to ethnic assimilation 

  2. Chang 1972 Communication and acculturation: A case study of a Korean ethnic group in Los Angeles 

  3. International Journal of Intercultural Relations Inglis 6 251 1982 10.1016/0147-1767(82)90032-3 Institutional completeness and communication acculturation 

  4. International Journal of Interculural Relations Jeffres 5 115 1981 10.1016/0147-1767(81)90003-1 Communicational channels within ethnic groups 

  5. Human Communication Research Kim 4 1 66 1977 10.1111/j.1468-2958.1977.tb00598.x Communication patterns of foreign immigrants in the process of acculturation 

  6. International Journal of Intercullural Relations Kim 2 197 1978 10.1016/0147-1767(78)90006-8 A communication approach to the acculturation process: A study of Korean immigrants in Chicago 

  7. American Behavioral Scientist Sheppard 14 71 1977 10.1177/000276427001400107 The potential role of behavioral science in the solution of the older worker problem 

  8. American Anthropologist Spiro 57 1240 1955 10.1525/aa.1955.57.6.02a00140 The acculturation of American ethnic groups 

  9. Warner 1945 The social systems of American ethnic groups 

  10. Human Relations Weinstock 17 321 1964 10.1177/001872676401700402 Some factors that retard or accelerate the rate of acculturation: With specific reference to Hungarian immigrants 

  11. A paper presented at the Koryo Research Institute Workshop. Los Angeles Yu 1979 Koreans in Los Angeles: Size, distribution, and composition 

  12. Human Communication Research Yum 8 2 154 1982 10.1111/j.1468-2958.1982.tb00662.x Communication diversity and information acqisition among Korean immigrants in Hawaii 

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