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[해외논문] Analytical model for bond-slip behavior under monotonic loading

Building and environment, v.20 no.3, 1985년, pp.163 - 168  

Yankelevsky, D.Z.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In this paper the distributions of bond stress, slip and strain are analyzed. The local bond-slip law is idealized by a piecewise linear relationship, for each part of which closed-form solutions are obtained for bond stress, slip and strain distributions. The steel bar length is divided into four z...

참고문헌 (12)

  1. Deutscher Ausschuss fur Stahlbeton Martin Heft 228 1973 Zusammenhang zwischen oberflachenbeschaffenheit, Verbund und Sprengwinkung von Bewehrungsstahlen unter Kurzzeitbelastung 

  2. Bulletin d'information No. 151 CEB 1982 

  3. Deutscher Ausschuss fur Stahlbeton Rehm Heft 138 1961 Uber die Grundlagen des Verbundes Zwischen Stahl und Beton 

  4. Morita 1973 Symposium on Resistance and Ultimate Deformability of Structures Acted on by Well Defined Repeated Loads Local bond stress-slip relationship under repeated loading 

  5. ACI J. Tassios 78 206 1981 Analytical studies on reinforced concrete members under cyclic loading based on bond-slip relationships 

  6. Ciampi 1981 Proc. IABSE Colloquium on Advanced Mechanics in Reinforced Concrete Analytical model for deformed bar bond under generalized excitations 

  7. J. ASCE Bresler 94 ST6 1567 1968 Behavior of R.C. under repeated load 

  8. Deutscher Ausschuss fur Stahlbeton Franke Heft 268 1976 Einfluss der Belestungsdauer auf das Verbundverhalten von Stahl in Beton (Verbundkriechen) 

  9. Viwathanatepa 1979 Report No. EERC 79/22 Effects of generalized loadings on bond of reinforcing bars embedded in well confined concrete 

  10. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Schafer 1975 10.1016/0045-7825(75)90025-0 A contribution to the solution of contact problems with the aid of bond elements 

  11. Muller 1979 Ermittlung der Verbundspannungen an Gedrukten Einbetonierten Betonstahlen 

  12. Sokolnikoff 1966 Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering 

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