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[해외논문] Endothelial cell response to polyvinyl chloride-packaged GORETEX: effect of surface contamination

Biomaterials, v.11 no.1, 1990년, pp.9 - 12  

Hodgkin, J.H. (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation Division of Chemicals and Polymers, PO Box 4331, 3001,, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) ,  Heath, G.R. ,  Norris, W.D. ,  Donald, G.S. ,  Johnson, G.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic study of polyvinyl chloride packaged GORETEX vascular prostheses indicated that their internal and external surfaces were coated with an additive layer presumed to be derived from the polyvinyl chloride packaging. This layer was not removed by washing in ph...


참고문헌 (13)

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  13. Int. J. Artif. Organs Paynter 12 189 1989 10.1177/039139888901200310 The surface omposition of commercial polyester arterial prostheses-an XPS study 

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