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[해외논문] Fluid mechanics and resource development

The Canadian journal of chemical engineering, v.55 no.4, 1977년, pp.365 - 373  

Charles, Michael E. (Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1A4)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractNovel fluid flow concepts have played important roles in the development of hydrocarbon and other resources. This has occurred frequently in such areas as mining and production, pipeline transportation and resource processing. Examples of interesting flow concepts drawn from experience with ...


Des concepts nouveaux de l'écoulement des fluides ont joué un rôle important dans l'exploitation des ressources en hydrocarbures et autres produits; cela s'est produit souvent dans des secteurs tels que ceux de l'exploitation et de la production minières, du transport par pipe‐line et du traitement des ressources. On discute des exemples de concepts d'écoulement intéressants qui proviennent de l'expérience dans le cas d'une grande échelle de projets; cette discussion est faite adns l'idée que lesdit concepts peuvent s'avérer utiles dans les recherches pour mettre au point des méthodes améliorées et nouvelles pour l'extraction des hydrocarbures des sables bitumineux.

참고문헌 (43)

  1. 1 Parrish , D. R. , Pollock , C. B. , Nen , N. L. and Craig , F. F. , Jour. Pet. Tech. ,p. 667 ,June 1974 . 

  2. 2 Dillabough , J. A. and Prats , M. , Canadian Petroleum ,October 1974 . 

  3. 3 Russell , T. W. F. and Charles , M. E. , Can. Jour. Chem. Eng. , 37 , 18 ,February 1959 . 

  4. 4 Charles , M. E. , Trans. Can. Inst. Min. and Met. , 63 , 305 , 1960 . 

  5. 5 Charles , M. E. , Govier , G. W. , and Hodgson , G. W. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 39 , 27 ,February 1961 . 

  6. 6 Charles , M. E. and Redberger , P. J. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 40 , 70 ,April 1962 . 

  7. 7 Charles , M. E. and Lilleleht , L. U. , Jour. Fluid Mech. , 22 ,pt. 2, 217 , 1965 . 

  8. 8 Charles , M. E. and Lilleleht , L. U. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 43 , 110 ,June 1965 . 

  9. 9 Charles , M. E. and Lilleleht , L. U. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 44 , 47 ,February 1966 . 

  10. 10 Russell , T. W. F. , Hodgson , G. W. and Govier , G. W. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 37 , 9 ,February 1959 . 

  11. 11 Govier , G. W. , Sullivan , G. A. and Wood , R. K. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 39 , 67 , 1961 . 

  12. 12 Hodgson , G. W. and Charles , M. E. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 41 , 43 ,April 1963 . 

  13. 13 Hodgson , G. W. and Charles , M. E. ,Canadian Patent No. 673280( 1963 ). 

  14. 14 Charles , M. E. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 41 , 46 ,April 1963 . 

  15. 15 Ellis , H. S. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 42 , 1 , 1964 . 

  16. 16 Ellis , H. S. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 42 , 69 , 1964 . 

  17. 17 Ellis , H. S. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 42 , 155 , 1964 . 

  18. 18 Newton , R. , Redberger , P. J. and Round , G. F. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 42 , 168 , 1964 . 

  19. 19 Ellis , H. S. and Bolt , L. H. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 42 , 201 , 1964 . 

  20. 20 Round , G. F. and Bolt , L. H. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 43 , 197 , 1965 . 

  21. 21 Kruyer , Jan and Ellis , H. S. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 52 , 215 , 1974 . 

  22. 22 Ellis , H. S. and Kruyer , Jan , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 52 , 457 , 1974 . 

  23. 23 Ellis , H. S. , Kruyer , Jan and Roehl , A. A. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 53 , 119 , 1975 . 

  24. 24 TDA‐RCA Capsule Pipeline Project ,Ed. Erik J. Jensen , Alberta Research Council , 1971–1974 . 

  25. 25 Charles , M. E. ,“ Transport of Solids by Pipeline ”,Proc. Hydrotransport 1, A3–25, The British Hydromechanics Research Association,( 1970 ). 

  26. 26 Shook , C. A. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 54 , 13 , 1976 . 

  27. 27 Figueiredo , O. and Charles , M. E. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 45 , 12 , 1967 . 

  28. 28 Durand , R. and Condolios , E. , Deuxièmes Journées de l'Hydraulique , Soc. Hyd. de France , Grenoble ,( 1952 ). 

  29. 29 Parzonka , W. , Kenchington , J. M. and Charles , M. E. ,“ Hydrotransport of solids in horizontal pipes: effects of solids concentration and particle size on the deposit velocity ”.Can. J. Chem. Eng., (in press). 

  30. 30 Charles , M. E. , Cheh , C. H‐S. and Chu , L. H. L. , Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 49 , 737 , 1971 . 

  31. 31 Singh , V. P. and Charles , M. E. , “The flow sand/water slurries in horizontal pipes with internal spiral ribs — effect of rib height”, Can. J. Chem. Eng. , 54 , 249 , 1976 . 

  32. 32 Davenport , T. C. and Somper , R. S. H. , Jour. Inst. Petroleum , 57 , 86 , 1971 . 

  33. 33 Perkins , T. K. and Turner , J. B. , J. of Pet. Tech. ,p. 301 ,March 1971 . 

  34. 34 Holland‐Batt , A. B. and Fleming , M. G. ,Paper presented at 8th Int. Mineral Processing Congress, Leningrad, 1968 . 

  35. 35 Cheh , C. H‐S. ,“ Further studies of a helical on‐stream particle size analyzer for slurries ”,Ph.D. thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto,( 1974 ). 

  36. 36 Cheh , C. H‐S. , Charles , M. E. and Kenchington , J. M. ,“ A further study of the helical on‐stream particle‐size analyzer for slurries ”,(submitted for publication). 

  37. 37 Langer , G. , Research/Development , 14 , 40 ,( 1963 ). 

  38. 38 Langer , G. , J. Colloid Sci. , 20 , 602 ,( 1965 ). 

  39. 39 Singh , V. P. ,“ Studies on the mechanism of operation of an acoustic particle detector ”,Ph.D. thesis, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Toronto,( 1975 ). 

  40. 40 Mackay , D. , Charles , M. E. and Phillips , C. R. ,“ The physical aspects of crude oil spills on Northern Terrain ”,Arctic Land Use Research Program, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Report No. 73–42,January 1974 . 

  41. 41 Mackay , D. , Charles , M. E. and Phillips , C. R. ,“ Physical aspects of crude oil spills on Northern Terrain (Second Report) ”,Arctic Land Use Research Program, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Report No. 74–25,November 1974 . 

  42. 42 Mackay , D. , Charles , M. E. and Phillips , C. R. ,“ The physical aspects of crude oil spills on Northern Terrain (Final Report) ”,Arctic Land Use Research Program, Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Report No. ALUR 74–75–84, 1975 . 

  43. 43 Brosky , L. , Charles , M. E. , Greene , G. D. and Mackay , D. ,“ The use of deflectors for the deployment of oil booms at an angle to river current ”,Report to Petroleum Association for the Control of the Canadian Environment, October 1975 . 

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