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Retina, v.24 no.5, 2004년, pp.736 - 738  

VOTE, BRENDAN J. (From the Department of Ophthalmology, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.) ,  RUSSELL, MATTHEW K. ,  JOONDEPH, BRIAN C.


PURPOSE:: To evaluate the efficacy of trypan blue dye for the staining and removal of the internal limiting membrane, epiretinal membranes, and the posterior hyaloid during pars plana vitrectomy. METHODS:: The authors retrospectively reviewed a consecutive series of 26 eyes of 26 patients in whom trypan blue 0.15% dye was used to stain intraocular tissues during vitrectomy surgery. RESULTS:: The cases reviewed included the following diagnoses: epiretinal membrane (13), macular hole (9), proliferative vitreoretinopathy (2), chronic pseudophakic cystoid macular edema (1), and chronic diabetic macular edema (1). The application of trypan blue resulted in a useful and consistent bluish staining, facilitating the identification, delineation, and removal of the epiretinal membrane, internal limiting membrane, or posterior hyaloid in all patients. Six months after the surgery, visual acuity was better or the same in 21 of the 26 patients. There were no clinical signs of retinal toxicity in any patients. CONCLUSION:: Trypan blue staining of the internal limiting membrane, epiretinal membranes, and the posterior hyaloid is a useful adjunct in vitreoretinal surgery and improves the efficiency and safety of membrane identification and removal.

참고문헌 (4)

  1. Engelbrecht Am J Ophthalmol 2002 10.1016/S0002-9394(01)01293-4 133 89 

  2. Horiguchi Arch Ophthalmol 1998 10.1001/archopht.116.4.535 116 535 

  3. Feron Arch Ophthalmol 2002 10.1001/archopht.120.2.141 120 141 

  4. Li Br J Ophthalmol 2003 10.1136/bjo.87.2.216 87 216 

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