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Teacher autonomy: Power or control?

Education 3-13, v.32 no.3, 2004년, pp.3 - 18  

Lawson, Tony

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (68)

  1. Aspland, Tania, Macpherson, Ian, Proudford, Christine, Whitmore, Letitia. Critical Collaborative Action Research as a Means of Curriculum Inquiry and Empowerment. Educational action research, vol.4, no.1, 93-104.

  2. Politics and Policy Making in Education Ball S. 1990 

  3. Risk Society Beck U. 1992 

  4. Knowledge and Control Bernstein B. 1971 

  5. Brewis, Joanna. The Making' of the `Competent' Manager : Competency Development, Personal Effectiveness and Foucault. Management learning, vol.27, no.1, 65-86.

  6. Advances in Program Evaluation Broadfoot P. 7 1 1991 

  7. Mathematics Teaching Brown E. 6 147 1994 

  8. Cherryholmes, Cleo H.. A social project for curriculum: post‐structural perspectives. Journal of curriculum studies, vol.19, no.4, 295-316.

  9. Coffield, Frank. Breaking the Consensus: lifelong learning as social control. British educational research journal, vol.25, no.4, 479-499.

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  11. Cunningham, Ian, Hyman, Jeff, Baldry, Chris. Empowerment: the power to do what?. Industrial relations journal, vol.27, no.2, 143-154.

  12. Curran, Tillie. Power, participation and post modernism: User and practitioner participation in mental health social work education. Social work education, vol.16, no.3, 21-36.

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  21. Fielding, Michael. Empowerment: emancipation or enervation?. Journal of education policy, vol.11, no.3, 399-417.

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  24. The culture of fear: risk-taking and the morality of low expectations Furedi F. 1996 

  25. Modernity and Self-identity: self and society in the late modern age Giddens A. 1991 

  26. Schooling for Democracy: critical pedagogy in the modern age Giroux H.A. 1989 

  27. The Struggle for Pedagogies Gore J. 1993 

  28. Hall, Christine, Millard, Elaine. The Means of Correct Training? Teachers, Foucault and disciplining. Journal of education for teaching : JET, vol.20, no.2, 153-160.

  29. Hand, Max. Empowerment: you can't give it, people have to want it. Management development review, vol.8, no.3, 36-40.

  30. HANNAH-MOFFAT, KELLY. Feminine Fortresses: Woman-Centered Prisons?. The Prison journal, vol.75, no.2, 135-164.

  31. The Democratic School: educational management and the practice of democracy Harber C. 1989 

  32. The Empowered School: the management and practice of development and planning Hargeaves D. 1991 

  33. HARRIS, KEVIN. Empowering Teachers: towards a justification for intervention1. Journal of philosophy of education, vol.24, no.2, 171-183.

  34. The condition of postmodernity: an enquiry into the origins of cultural change Harvey D. 1989 

  35. Transforming Higher Education Harvey L. 1996 

  36. Hodkinson, Phil. Empowerment as an entitlement in the post-16 curriculum. Journal of curriculum studies, vol.26, no.5, 491-508.

  37. Hodkinson, Phil.. Crossing the academic/vocational divide: Personal effectiveness and autonomy as an integrating theme in post‐16 education. British journal of educational studies, vol.37, no.4, 369-383.

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  42. James, Pauline. Learning to reflect: A story of empowerment. Teaching and teacher education, vol.12, no.1, 81-97.

  43. Twentieth Century Thinkers in Adult Education Jarvis P. 1987 

  44. Paradoxes of Learning Jarvis P. 1992 

  45. From Victims of Change to Agents of Change: the future of the teaching profession Johnson M. 2002 

  46. Education Unlimited: schooling and training and the New Right since 1979 Johnson R. 1991 

  47. Curriculum Studies Kemmis S. 35 1 1993 10.1080/0965975930010103 

  48. Kreber, Carolin. The relationships between self-directed learning, critical thinking, and psychological type, and some implications for teaching in higher education. Studies in higher education, vol.23, no.1, 71-86.

  49. Transforming Power: Domination, Empowerment and Education Kreisberg S. 1992 

  50. Lawson, Tony. Individual Action Planning in Initial Teacher Training: empowerment or discipline?. British journal of sociology of education, vol.20, no.1, 89-105.

  51. Irish Educational Studies McNamara G. 17 17 1997 10.1080/0332331980170105 

  52. Foucault and Feminism McNay L. 1992 

  53. Meadmore, Daphne. Linking Goals of Governmentality with Policies of Assessment. Assessment in education : principles, policy & practice, vol.2, no.1, 9-22.

  54. Transformative Dimensions of Adult Learning Mezirow J. 1991 

  55. Miller, Peter, Rose, Nikolas. Governing economic life. Economy and society, vol.19, no.1, 1-31.

  56. Schools and Classrooms: a cultural studies analysis of education Preston N. 1992 

  57. The Ethnography of Empowerment Robinson H.A. 1994 

  58. Educating the Reflective Practitioner Schön D.A. 1987 

  59. Higher Education Review Shore C. 8 27 1995 

  60. Black empowerment: social work in oppressed communities Solomon B. 1976 

  61. Swartz, Ellen. Emancipatory pedagogy: a postcritical response to ‘standard’ school knowledge. Journal of curriculum studies, vol.28, no.4, 397-418.

  62. The Problem of Freedom in Postmodern Education Szkudlarek T. 1993 

  63. Tight, Malcom. Lifelong Learning: Opportunity or Compulsion?. British journal of educational studies, vol.46, no.3, 251-263.

  64. Troyna, Barry. Blind Faith? Empowerment and Educational Research. International studies in sociology of education, vol.4, no.1, 3-24.

  65. Reflective Teaching Education: cases and critiques Valli L. 1992 

  66. Louts and Legends Walker J. 1988 

  67. Ward, David, Mullender, Audrey. Empowerment and oppression: An indissoluble pairing for contemporary social work. Critical social policy : CSP, vol.11, no.32, 21-30.

  68. Williams, Jan. Education for empowerment: implications for professional development and training in health promotion. The Health education journal, vol.54, no.1, 37-47.

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