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[해외논문] A Study on the Knowledge Community for Creating and Sharing Implicit Knowledge

Key engineering materials, v.277/279, 2005년, pp.331 - 336  

Lee, Joo Young (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) ,  Hahn, Sun Hwa (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) ,  Yoon, Jung Sun (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The ultimate goal of a knowledge-based society is to encourage the individuals to share and disseminate their knowledge spontaneously, so that the circulation of knowledge is accomplished. The structure of knowledge circulation consists of the following loop: preparation of explicit knowledge from i...

참고문헌 (6)

  1. Kwang Suk Oh. A Study of the Knowledge Community for Creating the Valuable Knowledge and Facilitating its Common Ownership (National Computerization Agency, Republic of Korea 2002). 

  2. Tom Davenport. The Future of Knowledge Management. CIO Magazine. January, (1996). 

  3. Chun Gun Park, CH Kim and YB You. The Establishment of Knowledge Transaction E-marketplace for the Creation and Distribution of Knowledge Information. 2002 KOSTI Workshop. Vol. 7 (2002), pp.181-184. 

  4. Melanie Gnasa, Sascha Alda, Jasmin Grigull and Armin B. Cremers. Towards Virtual Knowledge Communities in Peer-to-Peer Networks. (Univ. of Bonn, Germany 2003). 10.1007/978-3-540-24610-7_11 

  5. Elizabeth D. Mynatt, Annette Adler and Mizuko Ito. The Network of Communities of SeniorNet. European Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (1999). 10.1007/978-94-011-4441-4_12 

  6. Robert McArthur and Peter Bruza. The ABC's of Online Community. (Distributed Systems Technology Center, Australia 2002). 

이 논문을 인용한 문헌

  1. Yun-Seok, L. ; jae-sung, K. 2009 "The present status and analysis of Science & Technology Information (STI) service policy in Korea" Government information quarterly, 26(3): 516~524

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