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Manufacture and NDE of Multi-direction Composite Flywheel Rims

Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, v.24 no.4, 2005년, pp.413 - 421  

Abdel-Hady, Faissal (Department of Textile Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36830, USA) ,  Baaklini, George (NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH 44135, USA) ,  Gowayed, Yasser (Department of Textile Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL 36830, USA) ,  Creighton, Ryan (NASA Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH 44135, USA) ,  Lee, Dongyeon ,  Trudell, Jeffery

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A universal winding machine is designed and constructed to manufacture a Multi-direction Composite (MDC) flywheel. The machine has three translation axes (XYZ) for the main carriage, three rotation axes around XYZ and an axis of mandrel rotation. Radial rings comprising fibers in the radial directio...


참고문헌 (16)

  1. IEEE Conference Christopher, D.A. 

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  6. An Assessment of Integrated Flywheel System Technology Coppa. A.P. 1984 

  7. Kinetic Energy Storage Genta, G. 1985 

  8. Gabrys, C. W., Bakis, C. E.. Design and Manufacturing of Filament Wound Elastomeric Matrix Composite Flywheels. Journal of reinforced plastics and composites, vol.16, no.6, 488-502.

  9. Development of Polar Weave Technology in Support of SATCON Magnetic Bearing Development Activities Gendreau, J. 

  10. Proceedings of the Society of Automotive Engineers Herbst, J.D. 

  11. MRS Bulletin DeTeresa, S.J. 51 1999 

  12. Polymer Composites Gowayed, Y. 433 23 3 2002 10.1002/pc.10445 

  13. Proceeding of the International Conference on Advanced Composites Abdel Hady, F. 471 

  14. 7th International Conference on Composite Materials ICCM-7 Abdel Hady, F. 

  15. J. Europeennes de Composites Abdel Hady, F. 1990 

  16. Proceeding of Computer Aided Design in Composite Materials Abdel Hady, F. 1990 

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