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[해외논문] Refroidisseur à evaporation directe fonctionnant en été dans une ville brésilienne: performance expérimentale
Experimental performance of a direct evaporative cooler operating during summer in a Brazilian city

International journal of refrigeration = Revbue internationale du froid, v.28 no.7, 2005년, pp.1124 - 1132  

Camargo, José (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Taubaté) ,  Rui (&mdash) ,  Ebinuma, Carlos Daniel (UNITAU, Rua Daniel Danelli, s) ,  Silveira, José (, Taubaté) ,  Luz (, SP 12060-440, Brazil)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThis paper presents the basic principles of the evaporative cooling process for human thermal comfort, the principles of operation for the direct evaporative cooling system and the mathematical development of the equations of thermal exchanges, allowing the determination of the effectiveness...


참고문헌 (16)

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  2. Leung 1995 Forced convection inside horizontal isosceles triangular ducts 

  3. Halaz vol. 37 1998 A general mathematical model of evaporative cooling devices 

  4. Camargo 2000 Condicionamento de ar por resfriamento evaporativo 

  5. Camargo 2002 A mathematical model for direct and indirect evaporative cooling air conditioning systems 

  6. Dai 2002 10.1016/S1359-4311(02)00069-8 Theoretical study on a cross-flow direct evaporative cooler using honeycomb paper as packing material 

  7. Liao 2002 10.1016/S0360-1323(00)00098-6 Wind tunnel modeling the system performance of alternative evaporative cooling pads in Taiwan region 

  8. Al-Sulaiman 2002 10.1016/S0196-8904(01)00121-2 Evaluation of the performance of local fibers in evaporative cooling 

  9. Appl Therm Eng Camargo 23 1537 2003 10.1016/S1359-4311(03)00105-4 Thermoeconomic analysis of an evaporative desiccant air conditioning system 

  10. Hasan 2003 10.1016/S1359-4311(02)00194-1 Performance investigation of plain and finned tube evaporatively cooled heat exchangers 

  11. Therm Eng, Brazil Camargo 4 30 2003 A mathematical model for direct evaporative cooling air conditioning system 

  12. Watt 1997 Evaporative air conditioning handbook 

  13. Moreira 1999 Fundamentos e Aplicacoes da Psicrometria 

  14. ASHRAE Trans Dowdy 93 Part 2 382 1987 Experimental determination of heat and mass transfer co-efficients in rigid impregnated cellulose evaporative media 

  15. ABENGE-Revista de Ensino de Engenharia Kruger 21 1 43 2002 Experimentos simples na area de conforto e desempenho termico 

  16. Camargo 2001 Impacto do aquecimento global em sistemas de condicionamento de ar 

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