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Preparation and characterization of a collagen/chitosan/heparin matrix for an implantable bioartificial liver

Journal of biomaterials science, Polymer edition, v.16 no.9, 2005년, pp.1063 - 1080  

Wang, Xiaohong ,  Yan, Yongnian ,  Lin, Feng ,  Xiong, Zhuo ,  Wu, Rendong ,  Zhang, Renji ,  Lu, Qingping

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A new type of collagen/chitosan/heparin matrix, fabricated by gelation of collagen/ chitosan with heparin sodium containing ammonia, was produced to construct livers by tissue engineering and regenerative engineering. The obtained collagen/chitosan/heparin matrix was found to be highly porous, swell...

참고문헌 (20)

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