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Inhibition of skin pigmentation by an extract of Lepidium apetalum and its possible implication in IL-6 mediated signaling

Pigment cell research, v.18 no.6, 2005년, pp.439 - 446  

Choi, Hyunjung ,  Ahn, Soomi ,  Lee, Byeong G. ,  Chang, Ihseop ,  Hwang, Jae S.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

SummaryThe development of effective skin-lightening agents is an increasingly important area of research aimed at the treatment of hyperpigmentation induced by UV irradiation or by medical conditions such as melasma, postinflammatory melanoderma and solar lentigo. Although some inhibit tyrosinase, i...


참고문헌 (36)

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