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[해외논문] Bioactive Constituents from Chinese Natural Medicines. XV. Inhibitory Effect on Aldose Reductase and Structures of Saussureosides A and B from Saussurea medusa 원문보기

Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin, v.53 no.11, 2005년, pp.1416 - 1422  

Xie, Haihui (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) ,  Wang, Tao (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) ,  Matsuda, Hisashi (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) ,  Morikawa, Toshio (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) ,  Yoshikawa, Masayuki (Kyoto Pharmaceutical University) ,  Tani, Tadato (Department of Kampo-pharmaceutics, Institute of Natural Medicine, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The 80% aqueous acetone extract from the whole plant of Saussurea medusa MAXIM. was found to inhibit rat lens aldose reductase (IC50=1.4 μg/ml). From this extract, flavonoids, lignans, and quinic acid derivatives were isolated together with two new ionone glycosides, saussureosides A and B. Their...


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