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[해외논문] Sucralfate Protects Intestinal Epithelial Cells from Radiation-Induced Apoptosis in Rats 원문보기

Journal of radiation research, v.47 no.1, 2006년, pp.1 - 8  

MATSUU-MATSUYAMA, Mutsumi (Department of Molecular Pathology) ,  SHICHIJO, Kazuko (Department of Molecular Pathology) ,  OKAICHI, Kumio (Department of Radiation Biophysics) ,  ISHII, Kouji (Department of Anesthesiology, Nagasaki University School of Medicine) ,  WEN, Chung Yang (Department of Molecular Pathology) ,  FUKUDA, Eiichiro (Department of Molecular Pathology) ,  NAKAYAMA, Toshiyuki (Department of Molecular Pathology) ,  NAKASHIMA, Masahiro (Tissue and Histopathology Section, Atomic Bomb Disease Institute, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences) ,  OKUMURA, Yutaka (Department of Radiation Biophysics) ,  SEKINE, Ichiro (Department of Molecular Pathology)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Radiotherapy for malignant pelvic disease is often followed by acute radiation colitis (ARC). It has been reported that sucralfate treatment has a protective effect against ARC, though the mechanisms of action are unknown. The effects of sucralfate on X-ray radiation-induced apoptosis was studied at...


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