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A Revised Alverson and Carney Model for Estimating the Instantaneous Rate of Natural Mortality 원문보기

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, v.135 no.3, 2006년, pp.620 - 633  

Zhang, Chang‐Ik (Pukyong National University, College of Fisheries Science, Department of Marine Production Management 599‐) ,  Megrey, Bernard A. (1 Daeyeon 3‐)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe Alverson and Carney (AC) model for estimating the instantaneous rate of natural mortality (M) was reformulated to include β and t0 parameters. The revised Zhang and Megrey (ZM) model could be used for the estimation of M instead of the AC model since von Bertalanffy and allometric g...

참고문헌 (126)

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