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Two poorly known species of the spider genus Ambanus (Arachnida: Araneae: Amaurobiidae) in Korea 원문보기

Journal of natural history, v.40 no.23/24, 2006년, pp.1425 - 1442  

Kim, Byung‐Woo (Department of Life Science, College of Natural Sciences, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea) ,  Lee, Woncheol (Department of Life Science, College of Natural Sciences, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea)


Two poorly known spider species of the genus Ambanus from Korea are revised with detailed illustrations, leg spination, trichobothrium patterns, and SEM photographs. Ambanus lunatus (Paik, 1976), previously misidentified in Korea as Ambanus spp., is redescribed with the first description of the male. The type species of the monotypic genus Alloclubionoides Paik, 1992 (Clubionidae), Alloclubionoides coreana, described only from the male holotype, is transferred to Ambanus with the first description. Furthermore, the female paratype of Coelotes paikwunensis and female specimens described as A. lunatus in Korea are in fact the females of A. coreana.


참고문헌 (15)

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  3. Korean Arachnology Kim J. P. 1 9 1993 

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  5. Namkung, J. 2001. The spiders of Korea , 648Seoul: Kyo‐Hak Publishing Co. 

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  7. Korean Journal of Plant Protection Namkung J. 37 14 1975 

  8. Ono, H. 1988. A revisional study of the spider family Thomisidae (Arachnida, Araneae) of Japan , 252Tokyo: National Science Museum. 

  9. Tethys Entomological Research Ovtchinnikov S. V. 63 1 1999 

  10. Research Review of Kyungpook National University Paik K. Y. 32 18 1974 

  11. Educational Journal of Teachers Collection, Kyungpook University Paik K. Y. 77 18 1976 

  12. Paik, K. Y. 1978. Illustrated flora and fauna of Korea , 546Seoul: Samwha Press. Volume 21, Araneae 

  13. Korean Arachnology Paik K. Y. 7 8 1992 

  14. Platnick, N. I. 1997. Advances in spider taxonomy 1992-1995 with redescriptions 1940-1980 , 976New York: New York Entomological Society. 

  15. 10.1206/0003-0090(2002)269<0001:AGLROT>2.0.CO;2 

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