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[해외논문] Westgard multirule for calculated laboratory tests

Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine : CCLM, v.44 no.10, 2006년, pp.1183 - 1187  

Coskun, Abdurrahman (Duzce University, School of Medicine, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Duzce, Turkey)


AbstractBackground: In clinical laboratories, many test results such as low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol can be calculated using the results of specifically measured tests. However, quality control programs deal only with measured tests and there is no adequate quality assessment procedure for calculated tests. I aimed to apply the Westgard multirule to calculated tests as a part of routine quality procedures.Methods: I prepared a Levey-Jennings chart for calculated tests and all their measured components (Equation chart) and then applied the Westgard multirule to these tests.Results: Applying the Westgard multirule to calculated LDL-cholesterol (and other calculated tests) was simple, and increased the reliability of the results of the calculated tests.Conclusions: Checking the reliability of only measured tests by quality control procedures before reporting patient results may be inadequate. Applying the Westgard multirule to calculated tests as part of total quality management will increase the reliability of test results.Clin Chem Lab Med 2006;44:1183–7.


참고문헌 (4)

  1. Six sigma and calculated laboratory tests Coskun 770 Clin Chem 52 2006 10.1373/clinchem.2005.064311 

  2. The reliability of calculated laboratory tests Coskun 880 Clin Chem Lab Med 43 2005 10.1515/CCLM.2005.148 

  3. A multirule Shewhart chart for quality control in clinical chemistry Westgard 493 Clin Chem 27 1981 10.1093/clinchem/27.3.493 

  4. Modified charts for calculated laboratory tests Coskun 387 Clin Chem Lab Med 44 2006 

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