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[해외논문] A voxel-based mouse for internal dose calculations using Monte Carlo simulations (MCNP)

Physics in medicine & biology, v.52 no.4, 2007년, pp.1013 - 1025  

Bitar, A (INSERM, U601, Nantes, F-44093, France) ,  Lisbona, A (Medical Physics Department, CRLCC Rene Gauducheau, F-44805 Saint-Herblain, France) ,  Thedrez, P (INSERM, U601, Nantes, F-44093, France) ,  Sai Maurel, C (INSERM, U601, Nantes, F-44093, France) ,  Le Forestier, D (Universit? de Nantes, Facult? de m?decine, Nantes, F-44093, France) ,  Barbet, J (INSERM, U601, Nantes, F-44093, France) ,  Bardies, M (INSERM, U601, Nantes, F-44093, France)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Murine models are useful for targeted radiotherapy pre-clinical experiments. These models can help to assess the potential interest of new radiopharmaceuticals. In this study, we developed a voxel-based mouse for dosimetric estimates. A female nude mouse (30 g) was frozen and cut into slices. High-r...

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