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[해외논문] 液卵製造工程のモニタリングによる微生物学的問題点の調査とその改善について
Bacterial Contamination in an Egg-breaking Factory and Its Control 원문보기

食品衛生學雜誌= Food Hygiene and Safety Science, v.47 no.3, 2006년, pp.119 - 126  

工藤 由起子 (国) ,  尾上 洋一 (立医) ,  中川 弘 (薬) ,  高橋 淳子 (品食品衛生研) ,  小西 典子 (究所) ,  高鳥 浩介 (神奈川県)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

From January to November, 2003, bacterial contamination was surveyed in a small egg-breaking factory that produced non pasteurized liquid egg. Test egg samples were taken at various stages of the egg processing operation. Salmonella Enteritidis was isolated from liquid egg yolk and liquid egg white ...


참고문헌 (22)

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