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Enhanced Gait-Related Improvements After Therapist- Versus Robotic-Assisted Locomotor Training in Subjects With Chronic Stroke : A Randomized Controlled Study 원문보기

Stroke, v.39 no.6, 2008년, pp.1786 - 1792  

Hornby, T. George (From the Department of Physical Therapy (T.G.H.), University of Illinois at Chicago) ,  Campbell, Donielle D. (the Sensory Motor Performance Program (T.G.H., D.D.C., J.H.K., T.D., J.L.M., H.R.R.), Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Ill) ,  Kahn, Jennifer H. (and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (T.G.H.), Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Ill.) ,  Demott, Tobey (From the Department of Physical Therapy (T.G.H.), University of Illinois at Chicago) ,  Moore, Jennifer L. (the Sensory Motor Performance Program (T.G.H., D.D.C., J.H.K., T.D., J.L.M., H.R.R.), Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Ill) ,  Roth, Heidi R. (and the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (T.G.H.), Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Chicago, Ill.)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background and Purpose- Locomotor training (LT) using a treadmill can improve walking ability over conventional rehabilitation in individuals with hemiparesis, although the personnel requirements often necessary to provide LT may limit its application. Robotic devices that provide consistent symmetr...

참고문헌 (47)

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